"What the fuck have I done now" I said as I laid in my bed.


"Raine are you even listening to what I'm saying" Zy'Ria said snapping her fingers in my faces knocking me out of my thoughts

I don't know why but I couldn't get how Dior look as she left, I can't tell if she was pissed or sad. It was hard to make out that face expression.

"Yea I'm listening you said you was busy doing homework that's why you didn't come to my party" I said repeating what she was saying earlier.

"Yea so don't be mad at me" She said while grabbing my hand and entwining our fingers together.

"Why would I be mad baby, homework comes first over any party" I said as I leaned in for a kiss.

I pecked her few time before stopping.

We was currently in Zy'Ria room cuddling and watching movies together, we usually always does this every Sunday. It was just a chill lax day for us.

"You had fun though" Zy'Ria asked as she looked at me.

"Yea it was fun" I said smiling.

"That's good, I mean it probably wasn't as fun since I wasn't there right" Zy'Ria said as she raised an eyebrow.

If only she knew...

"Nope I was bored ass fuck with out my baby" I cooed while smiling.

Before I knew it Zy'Ria leaned in to a kiss me until our small kiss turned into a full blow make out session.

"Zy what if your roommate hear us" I said between kisses.

"She's not even here" Zy'Ria said as her hands went up my shirt unhooking my bra.

"In that case" i said climbing on top of her pulling my shirt off.

I leaned down to kiss her while helping her to take off her tank top exposing her breast.

"Zy'Ria" A familiar voice yelled her named causing us to stop.

"It's my roommate, she must have forgot her keys" Zy'Ria mumbled getting up anger as she put her shirt back on

"Fuck I thought you said you roommate was gone" I said feeling bad that I just got Zy'Ria all hot and bother and we couldn't even fuck.

"Why your getting dress, we can still do it" Zy'Ria said looking at me confused

"Zy'Ria I'm not about to do it with you in your room with you roommate in the other especially you don't know how to hide your moans" I said as I continue to put my bra on.

"Ugh" Zy'Ria rolled her eyes before leaving to open the door.

As I continued to get ready I could here them talk.

"Yea I'm sorry to wake you, I just left my key at Sani and she is knocked out sleep" the girl said

"It's fine I wasn't sleep" Zy'Ria said as I left the room to go put my shoes on and leave.

I know I could've waited but I wanted to see if my girlfriend roommate was cute and to make it be known she had a girlfriend.

But as soon as I stepped out I wish I stayed inside the room. Dior seen me and she had the same schooled look I had as we made eye contact.

"Oh Dior this my girlfriend Raine and raine this my roommate" Zy'Ria said with a smile.

"Oh um nice to see you again Raine" Dior said looking down

"Mhm you too" I said looking everywhere but her.

"Y'all already know each other" Zy'Ria said with her eyebrows raised.

I was worried this would happen, why do we got to be awkward l. I just hope Zy'Ria doesn't find out.

"Yea I met her through my best friend who is her best friend roommate" Dior said trying to not sound suspicious.

"Yea destiny is roommate with her best friend" I said looking at Zy'Ria.

"Oh okay, that's what's up maybe we all should hang out" Zy'Ria said smiling

A wave of relief washed over me as I realized Zy'Ria won't be finding out no time soon about that mistake I made with Dior.

"Um sure just sat up a date Zy'Ria, I mean just tell me when" Dior said sounding shy

How cute.

"Well it was nice seeing you again I got to go study" Dior said before rushing to her room.

"Don't worry about her she's just shy she was like that with me to" Zy'Ria whispered in my ear.

I mean sure she was shy but last night I seen a whole different side of her.

"That's fine maybe next time she can get use to me since we will be seeing each other often" I said

"Mhm, let me walk you out babe" Zy'Ria said as she grabbed my hand.

As I smiled happy that we played it off good I couldn't help but to see a hickey on Zy'Aire neck that I didn't make.

Or so I thought I didn't.

Maybe I did and just forgot about it quick ass hell.

Yea that's gotta be it.


How y'all feel about Raine doing Dior like that?

Anyways hope y'all liked it!

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