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When their lips touch, there is no movement. All that remained was silence. When Taehyung's lips wanted to move, that's when Taehyung unwittingly even mentioned another woman's name "Sohyun-ah ......".

The name of another woman who is still legal as his wife, namely I AM. KIM SOHYUN.

Yoojung's sense of hearing heard a name which immediately dawned her. Pushing Taehyung's body with both hands "Taehyung-ssi, what are you doing?!?".

Likewise with Taehyung, who was flabbergasted by his absurd deeds to foreign women who were nobody. The look of fear mixed with regret became one, emanating from the sight of the woman in front of him at this moment.

"Yoojung-ssi, I'm sorry. We better get out of this place", Taehyung walked away from Yoojung with a feeling raging in his heart.

Same as with Yoojung, she immediately sat down when she saw Taehyung had left her sight. Only herself and the small booth were the witnesses to the big mistake that had just happened between the two of them.

Yoojung looked for her cell phone and dialed her husband's number.

"I have to talk to Jungkook Oppa", she monologue to herself.

Beep.... Beep....

The tone was connected, but there was still no answer from the husband, Joen Jungkook.


When he wanted to re-explore Sohyun's body with his hand tongue game. Jungkook's cell phone vibrates next to his right, which he put earlier on the bed. At first glance he read the screen name on his cellphone. Feel free to answer or allow calls from the wife. Jungkook stopped his game.

As if something wanted to get out of my body, my stomach churned violently and I suddenly lifted my body then ....


Come out all the contents from my stomach. Jungkook who couldn't believe what had just happened "Aigoooo ... Hyun .... if it's like this, it looks like I really have to take you home", got up from the bed and took a box of tissue to give to me.

I took a box of tissue from him, and immediately ran to the bathroom in the corner of this VVIP room. Locking the door from the inside, looking at myself in the mirror. Messy hair, sad eyes, shabby face. I turned on the water tap in the sink, washed my face and mouth mainly. After removing my guts, my mouth was very bitter. My stomach feels very bloated too.

"If drunkenness is so torturous like this, why do people like it so much? Tch", rumbled to myself.

I took a deep breath before returning to the reality of having to face Jungkook after opening the bathroom door, I thought. I slowly turned the doorknob, I found Jungkook smiling as he carried my bag and gave me something from his hand "Drink this nausea reliever", handed it to me.


"Drink this, after that let me take you home"

"Drink this, after that let me take you home"

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