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On the other hand, I was very busy in my room with Tzuyu and Songkang. So I really don't know what happened at the office. Mainly, what happened between Taehyung and Jungkook at this time. They will do a photo shoot together to fill in our company magazine column.

"Tzuyu-ssi, Songkang-ssi. It's time for lunch. Please when the proposal is ready, you guys just put it on my desk, okay?"

"You're not coming. We have lunch, Sohyun-ssi?", Asked Songkang while tidying his file.

I just smiled "I want to see the photoshoot below".

Tzuyu smiled because he knew what I meant "Come on, Songkang-ssi, my stomach has twisted", she asked Songkang.

I opened a photoshoot room that looked different from the usual atmosphere. Many eyes were gazing brightly at the direction where the glowing flashlights flashed every second.

"Sohyun-ssi!", Said one of the crew who I replied with a smile while placing my finger on my lips. He also nodded understanding my meaning which told him to stay calm.

I saw from one of the monitors that showed two men doing photoshoots very skillfully, especially my husband. Any movement He makes is like a masterpiece for the viewer who witnesses it. Really her charm as Model Kim hasn't died to hypnotize anyone who sees her.

"I want to take a photo shoot standing up, because this long coat will look really good if I stand up. Isn't that right, Director?"

The Director immediately glanced at Taehyung, knowing the condition of Model Kim's legs, which would be difficult if he did the photoshoot standing up. Jungkook should have known about it, what he did made me step my feet even more until they both realized my existence.

When my husband's eyes met my eyes, that's when he answered "No problem Director, I can hold it for a few seconds. Please do it fast", asked Taehyung who made me smile proudly at his decision.

However Taehyung felt that this time he was demanded to be more professional, putting his pain aside for a moment. As well as to find out to what extent he can tolerate the pain he feels if he forces himself to stand too long on his legs.

 As well as to find out to what extent he can tolerate the pain he feels if he forces himself to stand too long on his legs

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

That was the expression of the two when they did what Jungkook, as the owner of this company, specifically asked.

"Taehyung-ssi, are you okay?"

They talk between photoshoots without interrupting the photoshoot process itself. Both of them were able to maintain their expressions.

"I can hold it. No need to worry Jungkook-ssi"

I smiled when I saw that Taehyung could do well to remain professional. My eyes did not shift to continue to pay attention to my husband who occasionally looked at me with a smile. I also looked at him with a look of pride and joy.

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