
Louis POV (earlier in the day/ to the present)

When I stepped into my house, my mom immediately rushed up to me and said "Lou! Thank God you're here! I have to take the girls up to Grandma's in twenty minutes and I need you to replace the tire on my car! I have a spare in the garage, hurry." 

I nodded and said "Just let me get out of my school clothes mum." I rushed upstairs and tore off my shirt and suspenders and replaced my red jeans with loose fitting basketball shorts. Ever since my dad left when I was young, I was kind of the man of the house, in charge of doing all of the physical labor, if you will. The funny thing was, I was 18 years old, with the mental age of a hyper seven year old most days. 

I skipped down the stairs and said "The Michelin Man is here to save the day!" I put my hands on my  and struck a hero pose while one of my sisters, Lottie looked over and said

"I think you're more of a Superman still Lou!" 

I agreed and yelled "SUPERMAN!!!!!" while running into the garage where the spare tire was waiting for me. I opened the garage to find my mom's car sitting there. I grabbed the tire jack and went to work removing the bad tire.

After about 10 minutes, I was sweaty and carrying a big old tire into the garage. I sighed and picked up the new one, carrying it outside. Just then I heard the familiar sound of a skateboard rolling on the sidewalk and fear shot through me. I knew it was Zayn since he always got home a half-hour later than me. I didn't want any cruel insults spat at me so I just kept walking with the tire until I heard the skateboard wheels suddenly stop. I ignored the weird feeling I got that someone was staring at me until I couldn't resist it anymore and I looked up to see Zayn staring at me strangely. I clearly saw his eyes rake up and down my chest before he saw me looking at him and gasped. He kicked the ground and sped off on his skateboard, leaving me speechless. 

I only saw him look back once before I finally regained composure and set the tire down, thinking about what had just happened. 

"Why the heck was Zayn just eye-raping me?" I asked myself. 

"Why the heck was who doin' WHAT?!"  I heard a voice say. I looked up and grinned when I saw Niall standing over me. 

"Nothing Nialler!" I said quickly. He narrowed his eyes suspiciously for a moment before shaking it off and saying "Do ya have any food? I'm starving!" 

I chuckled at Niall's constant hunger and said "Ah. my little leprechaun, you'll be fed if you help me with this tire... I might even take you to Nando's."

Niall literally jumped on top of me, trying to help me with the tire.


Harry's POV (PLOT TWIST hehe jk :D)

I was clearing of a table in the restaurant I worked at, called Nando's and I heard the bell on the door ring. I looked up and immediately blushed. Niall strode in with Tomlinson, his arms open wide and his head thrown back. "Come to me, food of all deliciousness!" He cried out, making me have to fake cough to hide my laughter.

Tomlinson looked over at me nervously and poked Niall, gesturing with his head that I was there. Niall looked and his face turned nervous, making me feel self conscious. Yeah, I know right? Me, the sexy, fabulous, hot, Harry Styles is self conscious? Yup, only Niall could make me feel that way. 

Now I know what you are thinking. "Harry, you're gay? Then why do you go beating up Louis and calling him gay?" Well that's an excellent question that I happen to have the answer to.

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