Chapter 1: New beginnings

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April 2022 (Recent day)

What the hell. I muttered to myself when the knock became incessant and annoying. I dragged myself out of the bed and walked to the closet. His closet.

I ran my fingers through the array of clothes there. And finally settled for one of his favorite tshirts. He'd always tell me that it was too expensive to be worn as house cloth. Not that I ever cared. As long as it smelled of him. It still did.

I stood there for a while and stared at his clothes "Aren't you going to say something? I'm going to wear your favorite top around the house. Aren't you going to do something about it?" I chuckled when I was greeted with silence.

"Just like I thought. You're nothing but a coward." I snapped out of my thoughts when the knocks became louder this time.

I donned on the shirt slowly and pulled on some random shorts before going to the sitting room. Even before getting there, I already had an inkling of who it might be.

I opened the door and just like I thought. His face stared back at me with worry etched on every corner of it. "Elvis." I didn't say anything further, nor did I move away from the doorway. I stood there with my hand still fixed on the handle waiting to dismiss him and go back to the room.

"Can I at least come in?" He asked with a small smile.

"No." It wasn't so noticeable, but I saw his face fall for a split second. I sighed and opened the door wider. "I'm not really in the mood for visitors, but since you're already here." I said.

He nodded and stepped in. I didn't ask him to feel at home, but he did just that. Okay? I thought to myself as I watched him make himself comfortable on the couch. He patted the space beside him and I chuckled. Is it my house or yours?

"So....Why are you here?"

"Going straight to point are we?"

"Do you want to beat about the bush?" I retorted and he smiled.

"Well, seeing that we've not seen each other for days now. I thought we'd start by catching up. You ask how I am, I return the gesture."

I frowned when he was still talking. What is he on about. "Why on earth would I want to do that?"

"Ouch. Wow Ijeoma. I thought we cared about each other?"

"What are you doing here Elvis?" I snapped annoyed at him and his fake attitude. His smile disappeared all of a sudden to give way to the worried expression he wore earlier. This is better.

"I came to check up on you. I went to your school and I was told that you took a months leave."

"Okay? That's hardly a cause for alarm. I needed a break."

"Of course. No cause for alarm. I just.....Are you doing okay Ij. Sincerely speaking?" He asked and I took a deep breath.

I just needed them to stop. Stop calling, stop texting. It was getting overwhelming. And a part of me felt guilty whenever they checked up on me. He was their family. They were hurting too.

I started to say something. To tell him to stop bothering about me when he suddenly took my hand in his. "I worry about you Ij. You always say not to, but I worry about you."

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