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"That's not gonna work". Says blinding fast while miracle guy punches the door.

"How do you know?" Miracle guy asked blinding fast.

"While you were blinking your eyes, I went around and tried everything"

Miracle guy ignores him and keeps punching the door and the door starts opening

"And you were saying?"
And the tentacles push some random thing in "what are you? An alien spy?" Blinding fast runs over there about to grab the cloth off

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Tech-no told blinding fast.

"I just want to see what it is." Blinding fast said. "Don't worry. It won't even know I touched it." He grabs it and it flips him over and miracle guy lunged towards it and it dropped him and threw him shark boy also lunged towards it and it did the same thing to him crimson legend also lunged towards it and it threw him into Marcus who fell backwards invisa girl lunged towards it and it dropped her. It took off the cloth revealing Anita


"Anita Moreno?" Tech-no says surprised

"Hmm" Anita hummed.

"Hi, mom." Marcus greeted

"No, no, no, don't 'hi, mom' me. That was pathetic. You stop training for a year and look what happens. Eh? You... dropped your guard." She points at miracle guy. "And you... attacked when you should have blocked." She pointed at shark boy "and you rushed when you should've calculated. Eh?" She she points at the rest "I hope your kids paid more attention to me than you did."

"Thanks, mom."

~with the kids~

"I bet ms.Granada's been working there for years." Says face maker

"They must have hacked the elections and put their own alien in as president, so they could set a trap for the heroics." Wildcard explains.

"I'm such an idiot." Wheels says and you all walk over to him "president Neil anami. Spell Neil anami backwards and you have... 'I'm an alien.'"

"Everyone thinks that the aliens only invaded this morning, but they've been here for years, planning this takeover the whole time." Missy says

"And now we're locked in this stupid cell with no way out." Wildcard says looking at missy as missy rolls her eyes

"Your welcome." She says sarcastically "any luck?" She asked you and guppy and guppy hits the door when you kick it.

"I need water. Without water, I can't use my powers." Guppy says

"I need food. My stomach hurts." Face maker says

"My arm hurts." Noodles says

"My ears hurt!" Wildcard said annoyed "we never should have come. You led us here." Wildcard told missy

"Wildcard!" You put your hand on his shoulder to try to stop him

"You think I wanted to get locked up in an alien ship?" Missy says

You sit down agains the wall playing with your powers like trying to make anything out of lava

"It was all of us." Wheels says "we did it together."

"I wanna go home." Guppy says

"Me to" the twins say in unison.

"We all want to go home." Says wheels. "The key is figuring out how to get out of this room so we can make sure there's a home to go back to."

"Wait a second. What did you just say?" Missy asked wheels

"He said we all want to go home." A Capella said

"Not that, the second part."

"'Figure out how to get out of this room so we can make sure there's a home to go back to'?" Wheels say

"Stop saying that." Guppy says

"Keep it together." Wildcard tells her and she glared at him

"Leave her alone wildcard or I'll make you shut up." You say and stop playing with your lava and your hair catches on fire as you are holding lava balls.

(A/n: right here is where I'm gonna make up my own stuff you know to switch it up a bit so if it's bad sorry also I don't really care if anyone corrects me on anything if you see any mistakes or anything you can correct me all you want.)

"Y/n can you try to make a key out of your lava I seen you were making things with your lava so can you try?" Missy asked you

"Yeah I can try." You tell her and you get up try to make a key for the door and after some time you finally got it "got it!"

"Yes great job y/n" missy says

"Also I will unlock the door cause you know lava will burn you." You told her before she could grab it


You go up to the door and unlock it

"Come on let's go!" Missy yells and you all follow her

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