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Previously on CHAPTER 8

A Capella: sorry, it was there for the taking.

You: i loved it
A Capella smiles at you

Anita: I need you all to maximise your powers.

Wildcard: Grandma, I've been trying to do that my whole life, so if you have any ideas I'm all ears.
Facemaker makes giant ears behind wildcard and you giggle a little
Wildcard looks and face maker while you all laugh

Anita: um, it's not about who is the strongest or fastest. It's about working together,and that's why we'll need someone to be the leader.

Wildcard: that would be me.

Anita: I was actually talking about missy and y/n, but that you follow me! Quickly quickly! Fast fast!
You all follow her outside

Wildcard:but I'm the leader!

Missy: he's right and we are totally ok with that right y/n

You: yeah I can't be a leader

Anita: well, I'm not. And we don't have time to argue. So what I say goes

Wildcard: yes ma'am

Anita: hmm. Welcome to my training ground. Let's boogie

Time skip

Rewind ducked when the red robot thing tried punching him again and he grabbed its hand kicked it and flipped it and it disappeared and rewind did a flip and did a pose then it was guppy's turn she punched the robot thing in the stomach filled it over so she's on top of it and keeps punching it in the face

Anita: cálmate, guppy! Calm down, dear.
Wildcard was on the rope And it's A Capella's turn to fight the red robot thing she grabs it's hand and punched it in the face and flipped it and pulled on it's arm and then poses missy was in the rope losing her balance

Missy: whoa... oh I can't do this nope not for me
You fight the red robot thing you You ducked as it tried to punch you you kicked it grabbed it by it's arm and flipped it over and did a pose but you didn't know that wildcard was watching the whole time (sounds creepy 😂)

Anita: ah. Okay, nieta, your turn

Missy: what? I'm not ready.

Anita: and that's how you become ready, by doing it. Mwah!
She kisses missy's head

Anita: go

With the guards

Guard 1: I'm picking up a leap in the sound

Granada: what are they saying? Can you hear them?

Guard 1: yes, it sounds like... they're rocking out.

Granada: what?

Missy: ok work together
Rewind goes ack in time a little

Missy: stay in sync. Good!

Facemaker: whoa whoa whoa! Wrong way ! Your going the wrong way
He tells guppy and she growls and chases facemaker as he runs and screams for his life noodles grabs her

Missy: guppy stay calm

You: she's not gonna listen she's in shark frenzy she has to go meditate

Missy: guppy! Your in a shark frenzy! Attacking even your friends. Your powers are useless If you don't stay calm and focused

You: well it's not useless all the time soo..
Missy glares at you

You: but go meditate

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