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Previously in CHAPTER 2...

Facemaker: how did this guy get to be president?

You:He can't even put two sentences together

President:we have just received a message from the supreme commander of the aliens that has been decoded. It reads, "we are from the planet Ogima. Unfortunately, we have no choice but to prepare you for... takeover please comply or els earth will be destroyed. You have three hours." I'm afraid that was the entire message. There are no hero's left. God save us all.



Just then ms.Granada showed up on the screen making you all jump

Ms.Granada: children, for your own safety, we're going into full lockdown. No one leave your seats. As long as you stay where you are, you are all safe.

Noodles: yea right. They can't protect us from that. We just saw it.

Wild card: you got a better idea?

Guppy: we should probably do what ms.Granada says.

Missy: uh, pardon me, but-

Facemaker: the last look on my dads face will haunt me forever.
He makes the face and you slightly laugh

A Capella: what do they want from us?

Rewind: do you think our parents are ok?

Missy: uh, excuse me?

Wild card: what?
He says in a rude way

Missy: we need to leave this room right now.

Guppy: why?

Missy: because the aliens know where we are, and they're coming for us next.
Wild card scoffs

Wild card: how could you possibly know that?
Missy walks over to Ojo

Missy: can I borrow this a minute?
Ojo hand missy the iPad

Missy: ojo drew these. Facemaker standing on top of floating chairs, noodles smashing the exercise ball...

Wild card: she draws what she sees, big deal
You burn his arm

Wild card: ow

Missy: she drew these things five minutes before they happened. Ojo's superpower isn't that she can draw,she can draw the future

Wild card: ok, cool. Good for ojo. What's your point

Missy: she also drew these alien creatures breaking into this very room. There.

Noodles: whoa. You're saying they'll come through there?

Wheels: she's right. All these drawings suddenly make perfect sense. Ojo can see the future.

Wild card: let me get this straight. Some new girl shows up with absolutely zero powers, and suddenly we're gonna do what she says?

A Capella: seems like she's got a point

Missy: just a moment ago, you agreed that we weren't safe here.

Wild card: we're safer in here than running around outside with you playing captain

Missy: I just wanna get out of here. If anyone wants to join me, your free to follow

You: I'm in

Wild card: fine. we're getting out of here, but only because I say so, got that?

Wheels: well what's the plan? Granada said this place

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