The new girl (Missy)

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Your POV

Noodles puts his ear on the door to hear outside

Noodles: she's coming!!
You all get back in your seats and "study" then ms.Granada walks in with a new girl

Ms.Granada: everyone. This is missy she will be joining you today. Missy I'd appreciate it if you would take a seat right there
she points to the seat next to fast forward

Ms.Granada: and quietly continue your studies along with the other children. Children.... thank you all for respecting my rules your parents would be very proud when I tell them of your exceptional behaviour well done
She leaves and closes the door behind her
Noodles stretches and puts his ear to the door

Noodles: she's gone!
You all start cheering except missy

Wheels heads over to missy while I head over with my little sister guppy who is playing with her powers

Wheels: hey I'm wheels. Yes they call me that on account of the wheelchair it's a little on the nose, but I like because it's cool.

Missy: ok

Wheels: you may think I'm in the chair 'cause my legs are weak' but it's the opposite my muscles are so strong my bones can't support 'em but lucky for me my brains the same way it's super charged, so I'm good
Noodles then stretched his head to wheels and missy

Noodle: so wheels who's your new friend

Wheels: missy, this is noodles we call him that because, well...

Missy:he stretches and twist like around like a noodle?

Noodles: yea, basically

Wheels: and that's Ojo here power is she's a genius drawer like Van Gogh mixed with monet with just a sprinkle of Salvador Dali.

Missy: can I see that?
Ojo hands missy her tablet

Missy: a kid standing on top of floating chairs? And exploding exercise ball?

Wheels: nothing she draws makes sense.

Missy: is that me? Why'd you drawn me in front of the class?

Noodles: oh she won't answer

Wheels: she only speaks through her drawings

A Capella:Don't speak I know just what your saying

Noodles: no you don't you have no clue what she's saying

Wheels: and that's A Capella

A Capella: it me

Missy: that's your superpower? You can sing?

A Capella: yep, but I have an unusual range I can go loooowwww. Or I can go hiiiiigggghhhhhh!!!!! I can even go really.....

Missy: I don't hear anything

A Capella: it's beyond human hearing

Ms.Granada on the speaker: miss A Capella Vox, would you please refrain from using your high voice every dog in the neighbourhood has surrounded our building
We all started laughing

Wheels: she can sing so low she moves objects show her how you make things float
A Capella sung so low she made three chairs float and face maker started climbing them my sisters water bottle even started to float and she grabbed it quickly facemaker jumped off the chairs before A Capella dropped them

Wheels: alright let's see who's left that's blinding fast's kid, slo-mo he's actually moving very fast but somehow his powers have him stuck in a time warp
Missy waves at him slo-mo waves back

Slo-mo: hiiii

Wheels: that kid over there

Facemaker: two packs of candy for crossing our eyes

Wheels: is facemaker

Noodles: ok
He crosses his eyes

Noodles: beat that

Wheels: he makes the craziest faces
Facemaker crosses his eyes making them go in the middle and each eye on the other side

Noodles: it's impossible

Facemaker: I can even change my face to look like you
He changes his face to look like noodles

Noodles: he's cheating I can't compete with that
Noodles brakes the table

Wheels: oh, dude Rewind clean up aisle two. That's rewind he can rewind time but just a few seconds
A Capella and rewind move the table and facemaker brings the exercise ball Noodles pops it and sends facemaker flying

Wheels: their twins. It's crazy, right?

Missy: what twins? What are you talking about

Wheels: fast forward, are you at it again?

Fast forward: you were taking so long, I skipped you forward a bit. Sorry, not sorry.

Wheels: she and rewind are twins opposing powers the only thing they agree on is they don't like each other.

Both: At all

Wheels: they're twins. It's crazy, right? And then there's our fearless leader, wild card there's not a power in the world he doesn't have.

Wild card: true

Facemaker: sure he has every power imaginable, but since he can't focus his energy, they show up randomly

Wild card: also true.... until now that is. Teleport!
His book set fire

Me: guppy use your powers to put it out

Guppy: ok
She makes a fire truck out of water

Wheels: and this is guppy

Missy: how are you making that?

Guppy; my mommy is lavagirl but my daddy is sharkboy so instead of lava, I move water.
Guppy puts the fire out

Me: she needs hydration for her powers to work
She makes a shark and person out of water and makes the shark jump up and grab the water person in its mouth

Missy: that's really cool

Guppy: thanks

Wheels: last but not least y/n she's guppy's older sister she has her moms and dads powers
You make a lava ball in your hand

Wheels whispers to missy: we all think her and wild card have a thing for each other just look how wild card is looking at her
Wild card was looking at you with love in his eyes He then snaps out of it

Wild card so, new girl, what's your super power?

Missy: yea uhh with the whole powers thing-

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