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I was supposed to be there for him. I knew he was suffering, I knew he struggled every waking day, I knew he was slowly drowning, slowly killing himself but what was I suppose to do? I knew better than anyone else what pain and suffering was. I constantly live in fear yet it might seem like I am living in luxury. Time was frozen as I walked into class. He was already sitting in class before anyone else, but he never greeted or said a word to those who were just entering the room. He was strange, he had a dark aura surrounding him, maybe that's the reason I truly never approached. He showed no emotions and he never spoke, to be honest, I wondered if he even knew how to talk. No one could figure him out but we all knew his story how couldn't we?

Malnourished, in poverty, he had lost his mother very young to poor health but everyone knew it had something to do with the father but still he was passed to his father after his mother's death. With the guilt of his wife's death, the father thought it would be better to have his son join his wife so he attempted to kill him The boy spent half of his life in the hospital after his father was sent to prison for attempted murder. After he was well enough he was passed to his uncle. Not even a year had passed when a frantic call to the police was made. The police had rushed to the house where they found the boy clenching to the body of his uncle. The boy was soaked in blood pleading for his uncle not to leave him. The police reported that the uncle was unfit to take care of the boy and were angered why the boy was released to live with him because the uncle had been suffering from depression for the past year. After the uncle's suicide, the boy was moved to a group home but his uncle's death heavily affected him.

The boy became quiet, he didn't eat, he hardly slept. He started showing signs of depression after some kids in the group home caught him with a blade. The children were horrified reporting him. He was removed from the home where he spent his life back in the hospital but the day he was being released they report him unfit to return to the group home. People said he was too dangerous, they all despise him. They ruled him dangerous to the community and teaching their children bad behavior so he was moved yet again but this time to a mental asylum. He never slept. He refused to take his medications. He was difficult but the doctors were patient with him, eventually, they got him medicated until he was well enough to rejoin the rest of the world. They found him a new group home not far away from a good school, that where I met him.


There was silence as more students entered the room. I watched from the corner of my eyes as a boy I knew from first grade attempted to interact with the boy but the boy had no attempt to acknowledge that anyone was there. Clearly from what I can tell he was in his world. Now annoyed Trevor took another shot by tapping rather harshly on his shoulder.

"Hey, I'm talking to you boy."

All eyes were on the boy, everyone wanted a piece of storm Trevor was cooking up but this didn't faze the boy. The boy didn't move a muscle, as he gave a quiet cough.

"Boy are you stupid" Trevor laughed giving out a loud hack before returning to his seat.


You could hear the gentle breeze from outside loud and clear, everything and everyone was dead silent. This was the first time I had- er anyone had ever heard him say a word we were all stunned. The strangest part of him talking was how clear and mellow his voice sounded. He sounded nothing like someone who hasn't spoken in years. His deep voice of his had a way of igniting my internal engine as if it knew I wanted to ride with him before I had a chance to process.

"That is what they call me" he spoke again.

But this time it had a playful accent to it. He seemed to speak in two different ways, one deep and confident another raspy voice which would seem to belong in another time, no another era.

Trevor turned a sickly pale color now facing the boy "what did you just say?"

The silence was loud that day, no other words were spoken as the teacher entered the classroom.

As the teacher began teaching, I couldn't help but take a glance at the b- Artemis. His eyes were dilated back as far as one's eyes could go. I could tell he was lost in a world of his own, he was still as a tree, never blinking. His chest rose and fell abnormally, he was sickly pale as if he never saw a day of sunlight. Anyone who saw him would assume he was heading his way to an early grave.

I didn't catch a word the teacher spoke as the bell rang signaling the end of the period. Packing up my bag I took a glance back at him. Still, in his world, I assume he didn't know we were changing periods. Slowly getting out of my sit I made my way to inform him. I gave a light tap on his desk to make sure I wasn't startling him too much. Artemis turned his head towards me looking stare at me but not fully seeing me. He seemed to be staring through me instead of at me. I was beyond frightened, he wasn't normal. As soon as my fingers in contact with the desk his hands moved faster than the speed of light. He had a strong tight grip around my wrist, gripping them tighter almost to the point of dislocating them.

"Don't you dare touch me" he whispered in a low predatory voice.

I winced as I tried to pull away but this only made him pull my wrist hard causing me to slam on his desk with his face only inches away from mine.

"Sorry I only meant to inform you that the bell rang. I didn't mean to frighten or disturb you" I stuttered looking down at my feet trying to blink a tear away from my eyes as a sharp painful pressure on my wrist grew.

Glancing at him the predatory look in his eyes grew as he took in the words I said.

"What gives you the right to touch me?" What makes you think that I didn't hear the bell, what makes you think you can approach me? He questioned looking daggering at me.

"B-but I didn't--"

"Shut up!" He yelled.

I frighten beyond belief as I prepared myself for the worst. He rose his other hand in the air about to strike me.

"Leave her alone bastard!" a voice interjected, grabbing me by the collar before flinging me away from the desk now standing between me and Artemis.

Without a second thought, I grabbed my bag running straight out of the classroom into the hall passed a group of students gathered at the door. Making it to the next period I sat down taking my wrist in my other hand as I tried to stop it from shaking. A deep purple bruise was starting to show. I drew in a sharp breath as I tried to touch it.

"Mental note don't touch him," I said giving a blunt chuckle.

"Touch who? Who touched you?" someone questioned me angrily.

I looked up to see my older brother James I mentally prepared myself to hide. I followed his eyes as it landed on my wrist.

"Who did that?" he asked disgustedly.

"Stop it! Mind your own business" I yelled at him.

As soon as those words came out I knew I was in trouble as I tried to run out of the classroom but I didn't make it in time as he made his way to me grabbing me by the face before giving a firm hard slap.

"That's no way to speak to me Raven I am your fucking brother! I should be spoken with more respect" he spat bringing his hands to stroke the area he just hit me.

I felt numb as I pulled away from him grabbing my face as the slap burned into my flesh. I hated him. He treated me like shit since that day I was born. I was a prisoner to him. Everything I did I had to have permission, this includes what I ate, drank, wore, and especially where I went. As far as I could remember my life wasn't my own. Before I could say a word he firmly grabbing my wrist. I let out a cry as he dragged me to the nurse's office.

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