Chapter 33: Telling The World

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Violetta: You see what I mean? Who bakes your artist's husband his favourite cake!? And don't get me started on the picture!

Ludmila: Somebody is definitely in love with you Lion.

Leon: I don't think so, but anyways, let's call her and get her here and then you can see for yourself if she has a crush on me or not.

I called Ingrid to come over and she arrived 10 minutes later.

Federico: I guess she's here, let's find this out for ourselves.

I told Leon to open the door so that they can witness what I always see when she's in his presence.

Leon: Hey, Ingrid. How are you? Please, come inside.

Ingrid: Hey, Leon. What a great surprise to see you here.

Ludmila: Well he does live here, you know?

Violetta: Ingrid! Meet my brother, Federico and his wife, Ludmila.

Ingrid: Pleasure to meet you two. So, Leon, is that a new cologne you're wearing?

Leon: Yeah, do you like it? Violetta bought it for me because I'm such an amazing husband.

Ingrid: Obviously, you're amazing. You're Leon Vargas, you're probably the most amazing husband in this world!

Leon: Aww thanks Ingrid, you're amazing too.

She playfully hit him on the shoulder and giggled.

Violetta: See, he's clueless!

Federico: Okay, we see it. Leon's stupid not to be seeing this.

Ingrid: So, Violetta. Why have you summoned me here today?

Violetta: We saw the news and we've decided that we're going to tell everyone that I'm pregnant. We want to do it tomorrow instead of releasing my new single if possible.

Ingrid: Yeah, I saw the news too. Look, you can't do that. Not yet anyways. Now more than ever, we need to keep this a secret. If people think you're married without a kid, it's better because then all the men will think you're still up for grabs, especially if your husband is cheating on you.

Leon: For starters, she's still my wife so she's not up for grabs and secondly, I didn't cheat on Violetta!

Ingrid: Sure, you didn't, sweetheart.

She winked and smiled at Leon. Leon finally came to his senses.

Leon: Oh, I see it now. My bad, sorry love.

Violetta: Yeah, okay whatever. Ingrid, I don't want people to think I'm not pregnant. We want to tell everyone.

Ingrid: You can, but only let's say 3 weeks after you release the song. Oh, that reminds me, what have you written your song about?

Violetta: It's called 'All That I Want' and it's basically about how happy I am with this pregnancy and my husband. I wrote it awhile ago, but now I think it's time I release it. Why?

Ingrid: Well, that's unfortunate because you have to write a new song by tomorrow about how you're upset and confused because of him cheating on you.

Ludmila: He didn't cheat, so she has no reason to be upset with him!

Violetta: I'm sorry Ingrid, but I'm not going to do that!

Leon: This is a joke, honestly. Isn't there anything you can do?

Ingrid: I'm sorry, but my hands are tied. You have no choice, Violetta. You have to do it because that's what they want. They want this because it gives a little spice and the viewers will eat it up, as they'll feel bad for you.

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