Chapter 8 Reaching and meeting

Start from the beginning

"Izuku-dear?" Inko called emerging from the scattered crowd. She saw Deku and smiled, she then noticed Isui and her mouth formed into a little 'O' as her eyebrows moved up a bit.

"Isui?" Inko said with a smile.

"Hello Auntie!" she said with her smile still present.

"How have you been dear?" Inko said taking a step closer.

"Oh I've been fine auntie, I was just catching up with Izuku" she said to Inko and stealing a glance at him.

Izuku just smiled and looked away, he was happy to see his cousin but was a tad confused on where his father was, he wanted to ask Isui but decided that he wouldn't disrupt their conversation.
He looked around again but decided not to distrupt their conversation.
He looked around again but no luck. Isui notice the confused and searching glint in Deku's eyes, she opened her mouth, "Izuku?"

His head snapped back at her, his face was curious, "Hm?"

"If your wondering where Uncle is, he had to leave earlier for a important meeting, he told me to pick you guys up and left the car with me" she said said with a softened look on her face.

His eyes widened a bit but relaxed as he sighed sadly.
He was excited to see his dad after so long.
When he was younger, maybe 12, he used to be a bit angry at his father for leaving his mother and him. But he did want to give his father a second chance then and now, but it was getting hard when he always ran away like this. Sure, this may be a small thing, but it's his father and Deku hadn't seen him for 12 years.

Isui again noticed the sad expression on his face "Hisashi Uncle will probably be done by the time we reach home though!" she said trying to lift his mood, her black irises shimmering.

Deku took a breath and beamed, his oddly placed freckles shifting upward, making space for his smile.

She looked back at Inko, who was looking at Deku concerned and smiled. Inko always cared about Deku at all times, which Isui found so sweet, and that probably came partly from how she never really did get enough love from her mother.

"We should get going now, it's late" she said catching their attention. "Come on, the car park is this way"


Isui stopped infront of a parked black BMW sedan car and clicked on something on her phone.
Immediately the warm colored headlights of the car flickered on along with colours from the dashboard.

Now with a bit more light, Deku noticed that it wasn't black but a dark shade of navy.

He looked at her confused and worried. She then opened the drivers door and told them "It's an automatic"

Deku's eyes widened as his mouth opened, he quickly smiled apologetically and got in the car after Inko.
She started the car and drove off, leaving the flight car parking exchanging it for black tar roads.

They drove through, the only sound being a conversation between the three, which quickly came to a halt after Isui nearly hit a stray cat.

When Deku felt the car curve, he looked at the window and gaped. Infront of him a huge house with white and tile walls, three balconies and plenty of windows.
Outside of it was a garden, which wasn't that big. The main focus was the house itself, which indeed look gorgeous and it was at it's full glory at night with warm tinted light illuminating every detail of it.

Isui curved again into the garage and parked the car.
she stepped out of the car, her van shoes creating a rash sound on the stone floor.
She opened the door for Deku and Inko which was instantly met with two of different versions of flattered 'you didn't have too'.

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