Chapter 4 A missing Allmight figure

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It was 7 am in the morning. Deku was checking all his claims as their flight left at 9 but they had to arrive 2 hours early for multiple reasons.

Deku put in his final notebook and finally zipped his backpack shut satisfied that he had everything he needed and that everything fitted in his big classic yellow backpack with an allmight keychain.

Inko had told him many things about the trip, like how Inko had already informed U.A that they would only return to Japan in 1 month despite it cutting into his education. Deku wanted to argue at this but he couldn't as beating your mother in a argument is next to impossible.

Deku groaned. He just conducted his final search on his missing Allmight figure.
Not to mention, it was his limited edition so if he lost it forever then he could never get a new one.

He collapsed onto his bed and sighed again looking around his room.
His room seemed quite bare honestly. He had put most of his the books on his shelves into his bag along with with cloths and a few other necessities like his Allmight figures, phone charger, bathroom utilities. His phone and earphones rested in his pocket, for he will most likely need it during the 11 hour flight.

His mom knocked on his door, "Izuku dear are you ready? It's about time to leave"

Deku jumped out of bed,he adjusted his grey hoodie (which was leaning on white more than grey and black) , tried to fix his hair but failed and he took his backpack and slung it over his shoulder. "Yeah, mom I'm ready" he said, opening the door only to see his mother's forehead than face.

"E-eh?" he asked confused.

"What was that?" Inko said and looked up to see his face. He had a shocked confused face on.
Deku had just realized that he was taller than his mother, I mean he knew, but the realization kind of only just hit him right now.

Inko took a glance at her watch which complimented her perfectly white collar-neck sweater and frowned a bit.

She looked back at her son and nodded a bit "I'll find out what's bothering you later, for now let's go before the roads get blocked with traffic"

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(this is what he's wearing)

(this is what he's wearing)

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(I know that y'all love seeing Deku in full black and stuff but canonly he wears extremely boyish cloths with only a bit of black

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(I know that y'all love seeing Deku in full black and stuff but canonly he wears extremely boyish cloths with only a bit of black.
I'm trying to make Deku as realistic as possible,
so his classic shoes with a comfortable hoodie, nothing too special and uncomfortable cause it's a 11 hour flight and some jeans. Seems about right, I think he'd wear something like this.)

The hoodie is kinda oversized but somewhat fitting.


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