Chapter 3 Wait what?

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Deku walked home from that eventful day, not to mention Tsu was absent today they couldn't say their goodbye properly.
But it's fine since they'll see her in 2 weeks. Well at least that's what Deku thought.

He walked home, absent mindedly through the crowds of people and parks. Today was the last day of U.A, students got a summer break and only had to go back to school after 2 weeks.
Deku was planning to on spending time with his mother, he hadn't talked to her much schoolwork was piling up and taking all of his time, so it wasn't a surprise that he wanted to spend as much time before school reopens.
But of course, the world had other plans for him, why else would Inko be waiting patiently for her son to return so she could tell him some exciting news.


"Mom?" Deku said as he opened the door "I'm home!" he said and smiled at her.

Mrs.Inko was sitting on the sofa when her son came in, she was on her phone.

"Izuku!" she smiled as she sat up and put her phone down. She gave him a hug.

As Inko hugged her son, Deku couldn't help but notice. The text messages between Inko and his father.

That father who went "poof!"
<When are you going tell him?"

Cinnamon roll mama🥬💚🥺
When Izuku comes home>

Deku raised a brow, "What did you want to tell me?"
Inko's eyes widened a bit, all she said was "Ah-... "

"Oh, sorry Mom I kinda saw the message you sent to dad.." Deku said motioning his head to the phone.

"No it's fine honey, I was going to tell you anyway, why don't you sit down?"

"So.." Inko mused

Deku's eyes widened, Uraraka had said the same thing..was his mother on her periods?, was she angry at him, this could literally only end badly, especially if I was mad at him and on her periods.

"... Hisashi and me decided that you'll go to America for summer break."

Oh, thank Allmight! She wasn't angry at him or on her periods. Wait..WHAT?!!

"W-wait, mom.. why so sudden?"

"You haven't seen in so long dear, and he couldn't focus on us properly because of his blooming business, so me and Hisashi decided that this summer break he can make it up to you for barely being a part of your life"

"But... Mom we haven't been talking to each other much so I thought we could spend time together this 2 weeks, also, there is no way I'm leaving you here in Japan, while I'm making happy memories with dad or something"

"Honey.." she looked at her son as if he was an idiot "I'll be going with you"

"Oh.. Um when are we going then?"

Thank you for reading this chapter, please vote and follow me,

Also, who else feels like Inko is lettuce 🥬 and Deku is broccoli🥦?


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