Chapter 5 We are going to leave soon.

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Deku and his mother walked through the airport. They had already gotten their passports checked and went through metal detectors.

Inko had a small suitcase and Deku had his backpack which didn't weigh much so they were permitted to carry their luggage on the plane.

The two finally reached the waiting area. Deku pulled out his phone and checked the time.

"8:32", he thought. Their fight would only leave in half an hour. Deku led his mother to 2 empty seats at the front closer to the window.
They sat down, Deku's bag on his lap and holding the rolling suitcase right by.
Inko smiled as she looked outside the window.

"Honey look" she said to him, motioning her head to a window view.
Deku turned his head and his eyes widened a bit.

"Mom, is this our flight?" he said looking at a huge plane which was painted a golden colour with words in big monospace saying "Euphoria airways".

Inko nodded without her gentle smile leaving her beautiful circular face framed soft green hair, which was all tied into a perfect bun with a beige pink ribbon making it stay in place.

"Isn't that flight first class?" He asked raising a brow.

"Oh, is it?" Inko asked checking the ticket. "Oh your right dear"
Deku managed to get a peek at the tickets and let me tell you, the flight was expensive.

"What.. Is dad paying for all this?"

"Mm, I told him that I could pay but he insisted, I actually haven't went to this airway before, but it doesn't matter, we are going to board in 20 minutes now I think. If you want to buy anything, you should get it quickly Izuku."

"I..okay.." Deku stood up and walked to a store which was fairly close to the waiting area. He thought about why his father had got a first class for only half a day like the amount of money they had to pay for it was nothing.
This made Deku curious on his father's business, he didn't know anything about Hisashi's job, only that he works abroad, nothing more, nothing less.

He shook his head clearing his mind from his thoughts.
He had came to the store to buy a book, his phone battery will last 12 hours and there was a tablet attached to the back to seat where passengers could watch movies but Deku didn't want to stare at a bright screen for so long, so he started skimming through the shelves books.

'Toto-chan' his fingers stopped. Now Deku was never really much of a reader.
But he did enjoy it, he found it as an escape from the stressful and almost always busy life. The only problem is, he never found enough time to read more.
Toto-chan, he had heard of it, a lot of people said it was a really good book.
He flipped through it, it was all in Japanese and so he could read it in 6 hours judging by the small print of the book and how it was a pretty thin book.
Also, Toto remindeed him of Todo which you can use as a short name for Todoroki.
And he may or may not have a crush of Todoroki....

Netherless he took it.
He was going to pay for it, but he stopped at the jewelry section. A black choker caught his attention, it reminded him his cousin.

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Toto-chan does not belong to me but it's a really good book and I've read it.
It's originally Japanese, but there's English translations as well. I recommend you read it.
You can buy it as a book or search it down on Google or whatever search engine you use.


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