The missing girl. Part 3

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//around twelve in the morning//

"Wake up... Hey, come on. Wake up." Daryll said, shaking me awake. I almost jumped out of the couch.

"Daryll? How did you get into my house?" I asked, a little jumpy.

He points to the open door that I very much so remember closing and locking. Slowly, I looked back at him.

"Wha- why didn't you knock! I fell asleep on the couch for a reason." I say.

"I did, for a good five minutes. You didn't respond. So I just picked the lock." He said. "I got a bit worried."

My eyes narrowed, and he sighed, "Would you rather me kick down the door instead?"

"Please don't..." I say, laughing a bit.

He laughed back but quickly shook his head, "Anyway, I got the potion ingredients. It'll be enough for three potions of invisibility." He said as we walked over to the brewing stand.

We both started to prep the ingredients to add into the potion. I cracked the blaze rods and pored the dust into the stand while Daryll hooked up the aquward potions to the brewing stand. After putting in the ingredients, I turned on the brewing stand. I sigh, and sit down at the table, and continued a letter.

"What's that?" Daryll asked.

I look back at him, and sigh. "Well... When 303 tried to harm Leon and Amelia, he had become weaker due to Azura's dagger. And somehow... Rain was given a minute of full control." I smile thinking of that moment, "Leon finally got the chance to meet his dad. Rain had promised to write to him, even though I knew he couldn't. So, I'm going to be the one to write to our boy until he is able to return home safely." I say.

Daryll smiled under his scarf and said, "It's a good thing you're doing for little Leon. You and Rain are good parents for him." He stated.

I scribble down Rain's signature at the end of the letter, and put it in the envelope. I quickly, yet quietly go over to his room, and put the letter under his arm so he was hugging it along with his stuffed bear. I was about to walk out of the room when I saw a certain stuffed deagon, sitting on his dresser.

It's Smokey... I thought, seeing the stuffed black and purple scales shine in the moonlight. Walking back over, I pick up my small stuffed dragon, hugging it tight. I closed my eyes as I remembered the day Ceris gave me him.

"Weeeee!" I said happily as Ceris pushed me on the swings at the park. "This is fun mom!"

One of the elder covern members were able to take me to the End, so I can see Ceris! Man, she's so cool! I want to be just like her when I grown up.

She pushed me more on the swing, the two of us giggling and happy. That was until a guard came up to Ceris. She held onto the sides of my swing, stopping it. The guard whispered something into her ear, and she sighed.

"My work never ends..." She sighed. "I'll be there, just give me a minute."

The guard nodded and walked away. Ceris sighed and leveled out the swing, allowing me to hop off. She kneeled down to me, and sighed.

"I'm sorry sweetie, but today seems like it will be another busy day..." She said sadly.

I look at the ground, "Oh... Okay mom." I mumble sadly.

She paused, then took something from her bag, "I was saving this for your birthday, but..."

I look up to see her holding a small dragon plushy. It looks just like the ender dragon with the black scales, and purple eyes! My face lights up and I take the dragon in my small arms. Ceris laughed and picked me up into a hug.

"What aren you going to name 'em?" She asked.

"I know! Smokey!" I giggle. "Thank you mom!"

I remember her warm smile like it was yesterday. She was the best mom (or mom figure) I could've ever asked for.

"Stella?" Daryll whispered, poking his head in the room.


"The potions is ready."


After I retrieved the remote, and only taking two riffles, and Azura's lightning dagger, we started heading out of the dreadfort. We decided to head out through one of the side exits, considering there would be less guards, and quicker to get to. The bad news is that we have to walk through the housing area, and have to be extremely quiet. If anyone wakes up they'll no doubtably tell on us. But, we both got so far, we can't turn back now.

I still felt guilty stealing from my best friend. I just tried to keep reminding myself why we had to. Thankfully, we were both almost completely out of the building, narrowly passing all the guards that passed by.

"Stella. Daryll."

My eyes widen and we turn around to see Aura standing there. She was no longer wearing a hospital gown, but wore her pajamas. She could tell by our faces where we were going, and what was going to happen.

"You're going to their base to get my niece back? Aren't you?" She asked.

I pause, but eventually nod, "She's a young child and shouldn't be used as a hostage."

She was about to respond when a guard approached us, "It's passed the required curfew. May I request you three go back to your homes, and get some sleep." They said.

"Curfew?" Daryll asked.

"Yes. A mandatory curfew is temporarily put in place by Ser Patrick. Unless of emergencies, or work, everyone, villager or soldier, is strictly prohibited from going outside the village walls due to the abduction of young Amelia." The guard said.

I look back at Aura sadly, before sheathing my sword spear. Daryll and I were about to go back, seeing if we resisted, we would need an explanation to why. Well, we were until Aura responded.

"With all do respect, I have been in my room all day, because of my fever. I thought I'd take a little walk before bed. Saying it isn't healthy staying cooped up all day. I hope you can understand." She said, covering for us.

We stopped, and moved back next to her. The solder looked at the two of us, than back to her,

"Lady Aura. I apologize, but you must wait until morning to go. It is far to dangerous to go outside the gates at night right now."

She smiled, "That is why I asked two older guards accompanied me. They are both going on patrol later too, so it wouldn't be a bother to them. And plus, my older sister, Lady Azura, suggested I take walks at night to get fresh air, and to not spread whatever I have. And personally, I don't think it is wise to go against the military advisor's wishes." She said.

The guard immediately nodded, "I apologize for questioning you and m'lady's wishes. I will be off now. Get well soon." They said before heading off down the hallway.

"Thanks Aura." Daryll whispered.

"No problem, now let's go."

Aura walked with us to the gate in silence. She told the same lie to the guards on the wall, and thankfully, they believed her, and opened up the gates. The three of us walked a good distance into the woods before we all stopped.

"Do you both have a plan?" She asked.

Daryll nodded holding up our two spare invisibly potions. "We drink these, get in, get Amelia, get out. Simple." He said, before muttering something under his breath.

"What was that?" I ask.

He shook his head, "Nothing that concerns you both. Now, we're both just wasting time. We got to go if we want to make it back by sunrise."

I nod, drawing my weapon, "Got it."

Aura sighed, "I'm so going to get grounded after this..."

"Stay safe on your way home. And take care of your sister and brother-in-law till we get back." I say, and she nods, waving goodbye as we slowly walked out of view.

(A/N: sorry this took so long to get out. Writers block has been really annoying lately, and I'll try to post sooner. Anyway, remember to drink water, and have a good day/night. Bye!)

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