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(Stella's POV:)

It had been a few hours since I left. I wasn't far at all. I didn't even really need the map anymore! I ran through the woods, anxious to see my friends again. To see Rain and Leon again. But then... I stopped in my tracks.

W...What if he changed, what if he hates me for being gone for so long.... what if he's already with some- I shake my head to clear my thoughts.

"Rain will be happy to see me regardless." I say, thinking aloud and start walking again.

I was about a mile away when I herd yelling, and swords clashing. That was weird since, from what I could remember, I was nowhere near the training field. I move a tree branch to see the Frostbourne in the middle of a battle between the Red Legion. My eyes widen.

"Looks like the whole catching up with my friends can wait." I say, dropping my case and drawing the swordspear.
(Ser Patrick's POV:)

I was nearby the river, fighting off a few spiders all alone. From the last I checked, Daryll was helping out some of his bandits on the other side of the field, Hilda and other sheildsfolk were helping civilians get to safety, whiles my wife was on one of the ships. Her wingsuit broke again, so she had to stay on the ship and lead her squadron.

"These battles would be a lot more easy to win if we could find where that darn dragon tamer went." I think out loud, beheading another spider with my glaives.

Sure, I emphasize with his situation. I've been through the same... many times. But you can't just... disappear.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" I heard 303 say behind me. I turn to see him standing there, playing with the handle of the ender greatsword.

It was a rare occasion for Entity to be joining his own battles. That alone shows how much of a coward this guy can be. At the very least King Glutton, Herobrione, heck, even Naeus made an appearance to the most of their battles. They most of them might have been or fought for evil, but they at the very least fought with their people.

"What are you doing with that." I say pointing to the sword.

"Oh, this old thing." He said, lifting the sword up. "My men found it off of that pathetic dragon tamer-"

I ran over and clashed blades with him. "Don't you dare say his name in vain. You don't get to after you broke him down to nothing!"

He chuckled, "And why do you care. You two clashed so often. You hate that darn kid!" He said. I take block one of his swings at me.

"We fought often. He can be reckless, impulsive, and emotionally driven. But, I NEVER hated him. I NEVER WISHED HARM APON HIM!" I say, my voice shaking in rage.

He laughed more, hearing the anger in my voice. "Then this should be fun." He said as his dark, spirit-like appearance melted away. Revealing a face I never thought I'd see again.

Standing in front of me was Rain... or... kind of. He had the same messy, black hair, blue and red eyes, and tan skin, covered in battle scars. He looked almost exactly what he looked like when he left.


He was wearing Entity's white cloak, a black shirt, and black pants with light armor. His facial expressions looked like he was in the break of madness.

"Recognize me now Sire?" He asked as we started to walk in a circle. It was even his same voice.

"What in the Nether... h-how did you..." I ask.

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