The gift

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//Present time//

//Stella's POV://

I was hiding in a bush, holding a wooden sword, waiting for Ceris to come into the open. Both of us were doing hand to hand combat training together for the hundredth time today. It was only noon.

"Come out Stella. You can't hide forever." I hear her say. I ready my weapon, waiting for her to come out.

However, what I didn't see coming, was that she had somehow managed to sneak up behind me. She kicked me out from behind the bush, but I got up before she could disarm me. I changed at her and our wood swords clashed.

"Never let down your guard. Even if you think you have the high ground." She critiqued as I pushed her away.

I try infusing my power in my sword. That form of magic turned out to be harder then it looks, when it comes to different materials and matters. But when I finally got the hang of it, it became very useful.

My wood sword started to glow a soft, light blue. Like my magic. I used the extra power to knock her down.

"Ah, infusion magic? You've been practicing I see." She said infusing her magic into her sword. "But can your skill out way mine?"

Her glowing magenta blade clashed with mine as it knocked me into a tree, dropping my sword. I quickly get up and tried to get my wood sword. However she starts taking swings at me, and got their first.

"That's not fair?" I say as she kicked it away.

"Hun, 303 doesn't care about fairness or the enemy in general. I'm trying to get you ready."

"Not that. You're using too much power. The only person that has more skill in that power Vordus. Plus, we're training, not trying to take out an army."

"True, true. However I will only decrease my power by half." She said as her glowing magenta wood sword dimmed. "So you still need to give me everything you have."

She started swinging at me again as I tried thinking of what to do. I had no sword, but I did have my magic. I transferred my power to my leg and kicked her in the shoulder. I kick her again in her other shoulder. And one last time, I kick the sword out of her hand, before pushing her to the ground. I pin her to the ground and she said,

"Okay, okay, you have me. You win." She said, and I get off her and hand the swords back. "That was good. A few minor things, but you can fix that yourself."

"Thank you Ceris." I say smiling. "I hope I've improved."

"You really have... you know what... I have something for you Stella. Follow me." She said.

Intreated, I followed her to a small shed outside the peaceful cottage. The whole place had an invisible barrier around it so that no one from the outside can see us, or track our auras. The reason why Ceris put it up is so 303 or other members of the Red Legion can't find us.

She got a dusty, old, flattened box from the top shelf. "I've had this for almost two decades, wasn't sure when was the best time to give this to you."

With my help, we bring it inside the cottage and place it onto the table. I blew off a bit of dust that was across the top of the box. Like the cottage, something was familiar about it... but what.

"Go on, open it." She said.

Hesitate, I open the box.
Inside was a beautiful swordspear. It seemed to be made of wood, with several indents on the side. The wood staff branched off in two directions, and in the center, held a clear gem. The blade seemed to be made of iron with four patterns carved into the blade. It took me a minute, but I realized the "patterns" weren't just any ordinary pattern.

"Hey, is this in ancient endermen?" I asked, turning to Ceris. She nodded.

"You would be right on that. The owner of that swordspear was practically fluent in it. However, I wished I had known more then just the basics in ancient enderman, I could've translated it to you...." She paused, taking a letter from inside the case, which I had missed.

"And this..."

"What's that?" I ask.

"...a note from the original owner."

She handed me the letter and pointed to a small part written in English. The name.

"From... your mother... Gwen...." I couldn't even finish reading that single sentence.

Tears of joy filled my eyes a small smile filled my face. I had hardly known my mother, since she had died when I was young. But knowing that she had this given to me, made me smile.

Ceris gave me a hug, "We're always with you... no matter where you go... or how old you get." She then kissed me on the forehead, "Now, its time for you to get home..."

I pull away, wiping my tears away. "W-What?"

"I have taught you all that I can... it's time for you to progress on your own. I'll drop off any spell books I can, or if I can find it, something to translate that letter. But right now, the Frostbourne needs you. Now more than ever."

I nod my head understandingly, "Then I best be off. I have nothing really to pack- other then my staff."

"I'll see you off dear." She said taking my staff's case and a map before we headed outside, up to the barrier.

She handed me my case, the letter, and a map. "The map should show the way back to the Frostbourne. It should be only an hour or two walk." She said, tears slowly filling her eyes.

I place my case on the ground and give her a hug. She hesitated, but hugged me back. We stayed like that for a few minutes before I pulled away and got my case from the ground.

"Stay safe on your travels, and visit often." She said, letting a few tears go.

"I will. Stay safe... mom." I said before I started to make my way home.

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