Chapter 23

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Two days have passed, and the young couple is back in Paris with no parts missing. Kitty session's new song was out, Adrien's photoshoot went pretty well, Lila lied some more, Kagami maintained her poker face and Natalie and Gabriel might have gotten a bit closer.

By closer, I mean – Natalie would provide a listening ear wherever Gabriel wanted to rant about his son's life choices.

Anyway, the day was going just fine for Marinette when she received an unexpected visit from an even more unexpected visitor.

"I need to talk to you- about Adrien," Kagami said as she entered.

"What is it?"

"Have you noticed the change in Adrien's behavior, in the past few days?"

She waited for Marinette's answer, but the latter chose to not reply.

"Forgive me, Marinette, you must not have noticed. It slipped my mind that the person in front of me is insensitive to the pain of others."

"What do you mean?"

"Ah... I believe Adrien is slowly slipping into depression."

"He is- What?!"

"Yes, and I think It is partly your fault- Don't you see what you are doing to him? Why don't you ever notice the sadness in his eyes? Do you even care about him?!!"

Kagami's mouth curved upwards in a smirk, seeing tears pool in Marinette's eyes. She continued-

"He is having fights with his father almost every day because of you. His father might disown him – but do you care even the slightest bit? – No – you don't. You go around telling people that you love him – But I don't think you do – I mean- If you really loved him, wouldn't his happiness be more important to you? Marinette- I'm begging you – please don't destroy his life. Just – just leave him alone!"

Kagami took Her phone, dialed Adrien's number, and gave it to Marinette, "If you at least care a bit about him.."

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