"Why are we even doing this?!" Fundy exclaimed then turned to Phil.

"We couldn't find Ranboo anywhere, we don't know where he is." Fundy continued and Phil could only nod his head, not knowing how to react.

"Did you all wake up at the same time?" Phil interrogates, crossing his arms. Cogs in his mind moving as he thought of a possible scenario.

"Kind of, I woke up first." Fundy answered, Phil nodded at that.

"Maybe he's in another dimension, The End maybe?" The two of them shrugged at that but considered the possibility.

The kid has an enderman skin in a suit, not to mention the crown it wore. This reality could've made him a royalty because they saw his crown, barely even looking at his life outside the simulation.

"If that's the case, then the universe has favorites." Fundy thought out loud, making Phil snicker before he spoke.

"Even in the real minecraft world, we're still an extra in the background."

"That's just sad." Sam stated as he combed his hair back.

Then from above, Phil heard a loud caw that made him look up to see a huge and raven coloured crow that flew in a circular way. It was another part of his ability, the animal would bring him shiny things and news about the entirety of the world he's in right now. The bird was the reason why he planned a trip to the jungle because it said that there's someone he knew living in that biome.

But as he surveyed the sound it was making, he knew the crow brought news.

Phil brought up his forearm as something the crow could perch on. Almost instantly, the animal dove down from it's high position to land on his arm.

"Wow you have a pet crow?" Fundy was amused by the avian, his hand slowly reaching for its head.

"Yeah it tells me all the gossip." The older male answered as the crow started flapping its wings and constantly let out an ear piercing screech that made Fundy recoil.

Phil was unbothered by the noise because to him, it was talking, sharing every detail he has found during the swift check of the land. Fundy made an incredulous face as he watched Phil nod and chuckle.

"You speak crow?" Sam asked as he walked towards them, wiping the sweat off of his hand with a handkerchief.

"Yeah and they said," Phil then paused to hear the caws before continuing "Dream and his group is approaching the city, they brought guests"

"What?! Where are they?" Sam asked but Phil brought up a finger to his lips, wanting to focus more on the crow.

The duo's eyes widened as they watched the crazy bird flap and screech with Phil calmly listening.

"Techno's gang is missing?" Phil asked, his eyebrows knitting as he turned to his pet.

"No don't say F!" Phil exclaimed surprised, making Fundy and Sam crack up as the crow seemed to go even more berserk. Phil then bat the crow away, pulling a handful of berries and throwing it at the avian that happily flew away after catching a few.

Sam wasn't able to ask his previous question again when a ding butts in from their watches as a hologram popped out in front of Sam, startling him.

'Grant permission to enter Cogchamp to user/s:

-Mumbo Jumbo

Yes or No?'

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