How can I write a text about my futur if I don't have any. My fire was taken away from me, how am I suppose to write about something that doesn't exist. I have nothing but fear of the futur. I only have a couple of months before I go.

As everyone received their paper, they all stared to write about their futur. Except me of course. I only stared at my empty sheet and with my quill in my hand with no intention of writing anything. Slowly, Mr. Smith walked towards me as he saw me writing nothing.

« Why aren't you writing anything? » he asked with a questioning look on his face.

« Don't feel like it » I lied, bitch if I had a fucking futur I would write something, I've always wanted be a writer. Making my own stories and being lost in my own universe but obviously that will never happen.

« That excuse is pretty low of you ask me, even if you don't feel like it, you have to write something, this will be evaluated or maybe you prefer to receive a zero? » he asked me, by now everyone was looking in my direction. Gosh I hate this class even more now.

I didn't wanted to explain my situation to the new teacher so I looked at him one last time before storming out of the classroom. Yep I just left and no one can do anything about it. I heard the teacher screaming my name for me to come back but I just ignored him because why would I listen to a teacher that I've know for what 2 minutes?

Honestly, I didn't know where I was going. I just let my legs doing the work and leading me somewhere. That somewhere was outside of the castle. I sat on the grassy floor leaning on a gigantic tree. The sun was shining today and The little dew grass was glittering. At this moment I didn't want to think of anything. I just wanted to appreciate the soft breezing hitting gently my skin and moving my hair out of my face. I want people to understand me but at the same time I don't want them to care too much for me. I don't want them to think that I could break only if someone touch me.

My thought were suddenly interrupted when I heard loud footsteps in the ground and my name being called. As the person called my name, I recognize the voice it was coming from. I quickly looked up and my eyes met the ones that were in my mind for a while now. This beautiful brown eyes that turned my world upside down and made me feel a certain may. Mattheo's.

He ran towards me and sat next to me. If it was someone else, I would tell them to piss off but right now he's the only person that I tolerate. I thought he would ask me questions about what happened but he stayed there looking in front of him as if nothing happened. As if I didn't ran away from the class. He made me feel calm and peaceful. I wanted to stay like this forever.

He was slightly panting form running until he found me and the first three buttons of his shit were unbuttoned, his tie was loose as his he tried to rip it form his neck. He was gorgeous, I thought. As I said that in my mind,  saw a little smirk making it's way on I'd beautiful face. Did he fucking read my mind or some shit.?

« So aren't you gonna ask me what happened? » I asked him with hesitation. He still didn't look at me and the smirk on his face was still there.

« No, I know why you ran away » he answered.

« Oh yeah? And why did I run away? » I spoke back to him with the same tone that he used.

« Because you're scared. You're scared of thinking of what's gonna happen in the futur. » he replied. He was right in a way. I didn't think I was scared before he told me that but now that he said it, I realized that I was not just scared but terrified.

« Yeah you could say that » I said quietly. After a moment I saw his eyes turning towards me that's when I noticed that in his eyes there was a little hit of green. Yeah we were that close.

« Tell me what's you're thinking » he whispered loud enough for only me to hear him. I felt his minty breath hitting my nostrils and my cheek.

« Well, I don't know how am I suppose to write something about what will never happen. It just remind me that I'm sick and will never be normal. I will never experience what is called the futur. » I said looking at the ground. But I still felt his stared piercing through me.

« And how did it make you feel? » he asked. I felt the tears growing in my eyes but I didn't want to cry right now.

« It made me feel sad, angry, disappointed but mostly jealous. I'm jealous of the people sitting on the class right now and thinking about all the beautiful things they will accomplish. I'm jealous that they don't have anything else to think about but life and how they will be in a few years. I'm jealous that they will experience something that I will never get the chance to experience » at this point I was letting my heart do all the talking.

Once I was done, I let out one single tear out of my eye but then many others followed. I hate to cry infringe of someone, I hate to feel vulnerable and I'm scared that people will think i'm stupid for crying about that. With Mattheo, it was different. I felt like I could tell him anything. I completely trusted him and I felt good around him. I like it.

Then, I felt a large hand grabbing my smaller one and squeezing it. His other hand made it's way toward my wet cheek because of the tears. He gently wiped them and placed his hand on my cheek. We were so close to each other I'm sure he could hear my heart pounding I to my chest and I don't know why he didn't let go of my hand by now because it sweaty from the nervousness of him being really close to me.

We were staring in each other's eyes for a good moment without saying anything. It was only our eyes that were doing the talking. We didn't have to say anything to understand was the other was thinking. It was like magic but without spells. It was a real dream.

I want it to last forever...

Helloooo, that was really a bad chapter I'm sorry, thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed.

Anyways tell me what you think of it or if I should change something.
Love you all ❤️❤️ (also sorry for the grammar mistakes xx)

One more day.  ; Mattheo RiddleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora