Chapter 8 - Just a Bad Dream

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John had to pop out to grab some shopping after realising that there was hardly any food in the flat. Once he had left, there was an odd atmosphere left in 221b, but Penny couldn't quite put her finger on what. Once Sherlock had let Scotland Yard know that the case was solved, John and Penny had to try very hard to convince him to wait until morning to go down there. They needed to rest, it had been a long 12 hours. Sherlock stood at the window, hands behind his back, staring through the glass, lost in thought. Penny had taken John's offer of crashing at Baker Street as it was easier than going back to her own place, considering they would be back on the cast tomorrow morning. She slipped off her shoes and took a seat on the sofa, sitting crossed legged as the watched the consulting detective think. It used to one of her favourite pass times. Not in a creepy way, she found it incredibly calming to watch the cogs turn in this head. It brought her a sense of peace and safety, it was a feeling she hadn't felt in a long time.

Penny hadn't really had a chance to talk things over with Sherlock properly since all this started. But something in her told her this wasn't the time. An overwhelming wave of tiredness swept over her and she didn't have the strength to fight it off. She rested her head on her arm as she laid on the sofa, sleep quickly taking over her. Sherlock glanced over in her direction, smiling slightly when he saw that she was asleep. He walked over to her, making sure not to wake her. He grabbed a blanket and carefully covered Penny's dainty form. He felt a warmth grow in his heart and pit grow in his stomach. Feelings that he had tried for so long to push down and avoid were slowly making their way back to the surface. Fondness and guilt. The care that he once felt for her was still very much alive and he wasn't sure if it would ever go away. 

"Goodnight Penny," Sherlock whispered as he took a seat in his chair, resting the pink phone beside him. Penny smiles softly, trying not to give away that she had still been awake. But sure enough, she finally let herself succumb to sleep, thoughts of Sherlock Holmes present in her mind.

* * * * * 

Penny opened her eyes and realised her was no longer at Baker Street. The living room was more homey than 221b, there were no papers scattering every surface, the skull on the mantlepiece was missing, the smiley face that had been painted on the wall was gone along with the bullet holes to match. Sherlock and John were no where to be seen. Though something about this place seemed oddly familiar. Penny stood from the sofa and cautiously walked around the house. It was still pitch black outside, the only light was provided by the street lamps that lined the street. The more of the house she saw, the more it was starting to come back to her. This couldn't be. She turned on the hall lights and gazed at the pictures hanging neatly on the walls. Pictures of her...and Sherlock. Smiling, happy, content. At birthdays, Christmas, Halloween.

"Sherlock," Penny whispered under her breath, looking at the memories she had almost forgotten. She made her way up the stairs, hoping that she was right, hoping that she was where she thought and it wasn't some cruel joke. She opened the door to the bedroom and crept in slowly. And there he was, Sherlock Holmes, sleeping soundly, not even knowing she was there. She smiled but it was quickly replaced with concern. Penny pulled out her phone and checked the date and time. She froze as she dropped the phone onto the carpeted floor, making a dull thud. This caused Sherlock to wake up. He sat and smiled at Penny, but it too was replaced with worry as he saw how tense Penny was.

"Penny?" He asked, getting out of bed and walking over to her, grabbing her hands.

"Penny, what's wrong?" Penny's breathing quickened, her hands trembling, her knees felt like they were going to give way.

"It can't be," she muttered, almost too quiet for anyone to hear. "It can't be tonight."

"Penny I don't understand. What are you talking about? Please, talk to me," Sherlock somewhat pleaded. Penny, meanwhile, avoided all eye contact. She started to repeat her words to herself over and over, working herself into a panic. Sherlock held her face in his hands, forcing her to look at him.

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