Draco and Lyra walked beside each other, her mary-janes clicking against the cobblestone road. Draco was growing each day, towering over his older sister. He didn't say anything, just looking around his surroundings. His mark no longer hurt, it now itched like crazy and skin flaked like it was a sunburn. She felt bad for her brother and made sure she had hydrating serums and creams to take the itch away. It was all under the table, he didn't want anyone thinking he was weak. But he relied on his sister's motherly personality to help him.

She grabbed his good arm, which he hated and pulled away with a grimace. She laughed at him. "Come on, Drakey, hold your big sister's hand."

"I'm going to hex you all the way to the moon." He said through gritted teeth.

"Don't want you getting lost." She taunted.

"Shut up," He growled under his breath. "I'm strong enough to push you into a bin."

"That's not very nice to say to your superior."

He snorted. "Superior? I'm your superior as the man of the house. I can pick your husband if I so wished. I think you should marry Fenrir and have puppies."

"I am not letting a virgin push me around." She replied smugly.

His eyes bulged out of his head. "Virgin? Don't act like anyone would want to be with you." He cringed.

She shrugged her shoulders. "Out of the two of us, there's only one virgin."

"So you?" He smirked.

She gave a humorless laugh. "Nope,"

"Bloody liar!"

They arrived to Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes and were unable to continue their bickering. She gave him a smug look as she walked deeper into the building, finding it packed to the brim with people. She found a glowing pink stand, she remembered it from her date with George. She approached it to see love potions and some girly items. She grabbed the zit cream and looked at it for a moment. She glanced over to see Draco climbing the staircase.

"Can I help you, Miss?" She heard George greet. She looked over to see him looking at her with a playful smirk.

She saw in the corner of her eye, two girls giggling at the sight of him. That didn't make her happy. She wished to make it known that he was her boyfriend. "I don't think so, Mr. Weasley."

"Please, my father is Mr. Weasley, call me your boyfriend." He winked flirtatiously. She blushed a deep red and gave his arm a playful smack, making him cackle.

"Oh, I will." She replied as she analyze the tube in her hand. "I think I'll get this."

"I have some autocorrect quills, you could use them for your homework and essays." He suggested.

She nodded her head, trying not to look as overjoyed as she felt at the suggestion. "Okay,"

George knew her well enough to read through her ill-concealed excitement. "Follow me, Miss Malfoy." He led the way, clearing the way for them nearing toward a back wall where Draco wouldn't be able to see them from above.

He showed her the quill collection. She gasped at the rainbow ink. "Whoa! This looks wicked!" She gasped again at quills that never ran out of ink and grabbed one as well. "Oh my, this would be so useful!"

George relished seeing her excitement. He loved his nerd. "I thought you'd enjoy it." He leaned closer. "You look so fit, by the way."

She blushed greatly once again, her legs quivered at his compliment. She knew instantly that if anyone was watching them, they'd know she was quite affected by the tall man. "Shut up, it's going to be obvious that I fancy you."

The Black Sheep | George Weasley Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora