chapter four

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If anything like that triggers you or makes you uncomfortable, feel free to skip this chapter or stop reading. Stay safe! <3


Once again, the memories were flooding back. I can still hear my screams, his breathing, the shouting of the other skaters as they crowded around. I still remember it all. It's not like I could ever forget.

I decided to just close my eyes, and let the memories play. I'm tired of trying to make them go away, despite knowing full well they'd come back as soon as they left. I'm tired. 

It was the day of Langa's beef against ADAM. The one everyone was most excited for. Everyone except me. I didn't want him to get hurt, which is why everything happened in the first place. The crowd was packed that day, everyone wanted to see who would win, the rookie or the mandator of love. Of course, we all knew who was going to win that day, but nobody expected the outcome to be this..permanent. 

I was hiding, I didn't want Langa to know I was there, I didn't want to put him off or put him in danger by him seeing me. But I still came so I could see the smile on his face when he put ADAM to shame. That's what I hoped for. I wished that all my worrying would've been for nothing, and I could've ran up to him at the finish line, and hug him as tight as I could. But of course, that never happened.

As the countdown started, my nerves kicked in. I'm still not sure why, I wasn't even the one skating. I guess it was my fear of ADAM. Either way, I was stood trembling at the sidelines, waiting for them to speed past. Even while they weren't where I was yet, I could still see what they were doing via the cameras and the huge screens that decorated the venue. I saw them flying round corners, doing extravagant tricks to try pass each other, even if it was just by a centimetre. The crowd was cheering like crazy, as if they had just seen the most beautiful performance take place. I mean, I'm not surprised, since this is the biggest match in a long time. 

Something about Langa's face seemed..wrong. Like he didn't want to be there, or as if he wasn't happy? I thought all he wanted was to skate against ADAM, so why does he seem so glum? He seemed to be holding his heart, as if there was no tune to keep him going. I don't know what song gave him the motivation to carry on, but all I know was that Langa was my music, my everlasting melody. With the high notes, he gifted fun and comfort. With the low notes, he gifted jealousy and tears. But no matter what, he was my tune, my song that gave me the motivation to carry on.

As they whirled around corners, and flew like birds over ramps, the gap between them was slowly getting smaller and smaller. So slim, that you could almost see the sparks lighting up the gap. The cluster of S members were getting gradually louder at each trick, roaring until they were hoarse. It seemed like I was the only one who noticed my best friend's misery. 

My ears were ringing, as I could hear ADAM's excited gasps, the crowd's screams and the screech of skateboard wheels. 

When all of a sudden, everything went silent, and all you could hear was someone's desperate yells, and a huge crash as a body hit the floor.

My heart stopped, my blood ran cold. It couldn't be I'm sure it was nothing. I'm sure he's fine. But, I  had to check..just in case. I pushed past everyone who was in my way, all of them still standing silently in shock, and ran across the dirt tracks. I ran for what seemed like forever, twisting round the corners, going through every shortcut I knew. 

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