"No I'm fine thanks." I laughed too.

"Great. Ok so as I was saying we are looking at reggae for a couple of lessons. Now I would like us to learn Three little birds by Bob Marley. I've already explained the music to you so to help get the beat right you can turn on the metronome and set it to 70. Ok, off you go. Headphones on. Louis, come here please."

I know what he wants so I get the folder out of my bag that has a sheet of music in and head up towards the front of the class.

"You learnt the song I gave you?" Liam asked.

"Mhm. You want me to play it?" I placed the notes on the piano in front of me.

"Yep. With words."

I sit down at the piano and started playing Someone like you by Adele.

I finished the song smiling mentally, proud of myself for not messing up.

"Louis? You okay? You're crying?" Liam asked. Wait I'm crying?

"Oh yeah I'm fine. I'm gonna go now." I get up to go learn Three little birds and see Harry, Marcel, and Edward standing by the door with shocked faces. I turn to Liam and look at him, betrayed because he promised he'd never tell.

"Lou-" He tried but I didn't let him.

"Liam you promised!" I say running out of the classroom and into the toilets that only me and Niall know about.

Edward's P.O.V:

"I'm such an idiot. Should have asked him first. Why, why did I do that?" Liam went on.

"Li look at me, you are not an idiot Louis is just overreacting. He'll get over it okay?" I reassured.

"Yeah, yeah I know." He looked like he was going to say something else but changed his mind last minute.

"Great. Me and Marcel have to go now so you should probably get back to your lesson." I hate to just leave like this but I have work and it's important that I'm there today. Business deals and stuff, you know?

Harry's P.O.V:


"Ok, you guys can go to lunch now and have the homework on my desk by Friday." I tell my class watching them walk out and Louis walk in.

"Sit in the corner and copy everything you missed from todays lesson. It shouldn't take you very long. Here's the powerpoint printed out." I said.

"What Harry that's like ten pages." Louis complained.

"Should have listened." I said sitting at my desk and prepping for my next lesson.

Louis' P.O.V:

It took about forty minutes but I got it done. Now my hand hurts like hell though. I left and went to the canteen with fifteen minutes left of lunch. I walked over to the table shaking my hand with a pained look on my face.

"You okay Lou?" Niall asked worriedly.

"Harry made me write out the whole powerpoint from the lesson." I whispered into his ear as I sat down causing him to chuckle.

"What's so funny?" Ashton ,asked.

"Nothing. Aren't you hungry Louis?" I look at Ashton and he gives me a look that says, don't say yes. I ignore him.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go get a salad or something." I decided to grab a caesar salad because Ashton wouldn't be happy if I got something full of carbs.

Ceasar salad, yum, nope disgusting, I wouldn't be eating this vile rabbit food if it weren't for my diet type thing. At least it's got croutons, but no I can't have them, too many carbs. Just the rabbit food for me thanks.

I sat down again, this time more carefully, and started to eat. I was about three mouthfuls in when I couldn't stand the taste anymore. Plain lettuce and stuff is so boring and disgusting. Yes, there was a dressing but those things are usually too vinegary for me.

I got up to put the rest in the bin when I saw Harry looking at me with worry in his eyes. Did he see me the whole of lunch or did he just come in? Does he know about my eating? He can't, I've not made it obvious.

"I'll see you in maths yeah?" I said once I got back to the table and went to the art department to finish my painting. It's of a street in New York and I have to do it for my GCSE.

Marcel's POV:

"Hey Harry what's up?" Harry called me about an hour after Edward and I left.

"It's Louis, I, I think he has some sort of eating disorder." He said to me.

"What? Why do you think that?" I asked now sitting up properly in the break room.

"He loves food right, well recently I've noticed he's not been eating much at all. I've watched him at school and before he eats something he looks at Ashton and only eats a few bites. I mean today, he got a salad, a fucking salad and only ate like three mouthfuls." Harry voiced his concerns to me.

"That does sound like an eating disorder of some sort but it also sounds like his excuse of a boyfriend is controlling him. I don't know much about eating disorders but I guess we can get him to eat everything on his plate tonight. If he doesn't then I guess we'll go from there." I explained. I know it's wrong but my mind is frozen from all that new information.

"Yeah alright we'll try that. I have to go now some kid just started a fight."

"Okay bye."

"Swear I'm gonna make you proud." - Louis Tomlinson

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