Episode 1: The forbidden Ninja

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The Ninja discover a secret that was (supposed to be) forbidden to all of Ninjago, they find a stubborn, extremely strong kid who turns out to be a Purple Ninja, but the thing is, he doesn't want to be a ninja!

It was a regular day in Ninjago. Time had passed since their last final battle. A new monastery had been built. " I can't believe we haven't had trouble in Ninjago for months!" Jay shouted, unable to control his anger. But what they never knew was that Ninjago was about to experience the worst trouble ever, worse than Lloyd's final battle.

"Well knowing Ninjago, something must be going on, " Kai explained, racking his brains understanding that this could only be the most logical explanation. They loaded up their own game and tried their best to beat the level 547 Overlord! But even he had lost faith! They had built a new monastery in that period, the day of the Ninja was over.

"I don't know much except fighting and training!" Cole moaned, his face screwed up in concentration. But Ninjago was nowhere near safe, a new evil had been released, waiting for the Ninja! After hours of trying to beat the level 547 Overlord, they gave up.

As if on cue Nya rushed in and screamed, "Bank robbery in Ninjago City, let's go it's the only action we can get!" They rushed to grab their vehicles, making sure they arrived to Ninjago City in time.

"Last one there's not a Ninja," Jay joked, knowing that this would be the last piece of action for months to come. They finally arrived at Ninjago City bank, Lloyd licking his lips ready for a battle. A Samurai was already leaning against a pillar, carrying a couple money bags and smirking.

"An evil Samurai, alright," Zane exclaimed, clearly excited " I suspect this one won't be easy!" He rushed into battle and then- Then he was absolutely destroyed and sent packing. Lloyd, full of determination, tried to use his green energy to stop him but missed. The Samurai smiled, launched a flying kick at Jay and succeeded.

"Owieeeee!" Jay screamed, the bruise leaving a heavy mark on his right cheek. Cole got busy, thinking that if he landed a punch it'd be lights out for the Samurai. He tried his theory, but instead got rewarded with a heavy blow in his stomach and sent flying on the other side of the road.

"I did want a challenge, but not like this!" Cole said, his mind telling him to run away. Lloyd tried again, the Samurai frowned, somehow making Lloyd's attack rebound. Nya smiled, once being a Samurai herself (it should be easy), instead the Samurai strangled her and flung her next to Jay.

"Heh heh, it's better like this," Jay said, rewarded with a heavy smack round the face by Nya. It was down to Kai, but the Samurai was way too quick for him.

The next thing he knew was Cole close to tears saying, "We should've never gave up training, we underestimated this guy, we didn't even use Spinjitzu. The Samurai sped away on his vehicle, Jay coughed loudly slowly getting back up to his feet.

"We stood absolutely no chance against that guy, or gal," he added that part hastily from the devilish look on Nya's face. After the rest got up someone else stood in front of them! It was a young boy, how old was he, 8, 9,10, 11, 12 maybe. The look on his face was too serious for someone his age, they gave nothing away. His brows furrowed, the jet black eyes narrowed. His jet black hair scruffy and messy. He wore nothing except from some Boxer shorts. He was well built, matter of fact, his body was too well-developed for a kid his age.

"NINJA!" He shouted, scuttling forward.

"Hey, kid, don't you think you should put some-," Nya started, not getting to finish her sentence, as the boy quickly attacked her sending her flying and flipping through the air and landing with a heavy thud. "-Clothes on! " She finished, enraged that a little kid had got the better of her.

"Nobody-attacks-my-," Jay screamed, also being sent up to the sky and landing on a car, receiving a menacing look from the driver, "-Girlfriend," he mumbled wearily. Who was this kid, and most importantly, why was he here!

" I can't believe you two got destroyed by that kid, Ninja- " Cole tried to say, but landing on the bank roof.

"Where-," the mysterious kid said, his voice cold and too deep for someone his size and age.

" I don't understand, what you want, maybe I should cool you down, " Zane said, smiling at the sheer level of action he had enjoyed that day. But the kid clearly didn't like his jokes and smacked him with a backhand.

"Is," the boy spoke again, he clearly knew what he wanted to say, but it was as if he didn't talk much, not knowing to say more than one word at a time.

"Hey, pint-sized, get some of this, I always knew they sold fun-sized warriors at the Mega Monster Amusement Park! " Lloyd joked, not realising the heavy blow that reached his stomach and immediately falling backwards.

"Sensei Wu! " The boy finished his sentence, there was only one ninja left easy.

"Easy kid, what did Wu do to you, please don't hurt me, I've barely recovered from my last injury! " Kai said. The boy stuttered, he stopped and froze it was as if Jay had hit him with lighting, why wasn't he attacking Kai, he'd just finished five of the Ninja he couldn't stop now.

"Hey, you already look shocked!" Jay joked weakly.

Before he had time to react Kai shouted, "Ninja-go!," knocking the kid off his feet "That's time out for you!"

How long had he been in time out for, 5, 10 minutes, but the boy named Nixon Foyth didn't care, in fact his whole life he had been in time out, isolated with nothing to do! The ninja entered, Kai leading the group. Immediately a scroll fell to the floor, "Hmmmm, what's this, okay, WAIT THERE'S A FORBIDDEN PURPLE NINJA, SENSEI NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT THIS!" Kai screamed, looking round at the group.

"Hey, there's my Purple uniform, obviously, I'm the purple ninja, I'm the strongest here, imagine me and Lloyd leaders of the Ninja! " Jay said, about to reach for the uniform. But Nixon broke free.

"Wait," said Kai, "The one richly draped in purple is destined to stumble in front of fire, always seeing red as a weakness, sound familiar? " he said desperately. Nixon turned as red as an over-ripe tomato, he wasn't a ninja! As if this wasn't bad enough, a purple Ninja suit fell directly in front of him from wherever it had come from. Nixon sighed.

"Alright," he said "I'm ready, the question is, are you? This will be the toughest training of your life! I don't give a damn about saving the world, I just want to get revenge."

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