I 32: B E T R A Y A L

Start from the beginning

I sat sideways, placing the basket of food on my lap. Levi started the motorcycle, revved up the engine, and drove off.

He was going 50 mph, making my (h/c) hair flow behind. One of my hands holding the basket, and one wrapped around Levi's.

You were soon greeted by the familiar scenery since Levi bought you here last Valentine's. You immediately went up the small hill, settling under the tree. Taking out the cloth, you laid it over the grass for the both of you to sit on.

He came up a minute later, stuffing his keys in his pocket. He helped take out the plates of food, placing them on the laid cloth.

We sat down, feeling the faint tickling of grass blades underneath. "This is nice" I sighed, looking to the horizon, watching the sun make its way down.

I felt his fingers lift my chin, and his face nearing mine. My lips collided with his, feeling his slightly chapped, smooth lips.

It was sweet however, I almost opened my eyes in surprise when I felt his tongue lick the corners of my lips.

His hands trailed down to my waist, holding them gently. I raised my hands to his neck, still not giving him entrance.

He then caressed my backside, making me squeak, giving him an opening.

His tongue met mine, playing and sucking on it. It was getting heated, and I could feel my saliva dribbling down my chin. He wiped it off with his thumb and continued sucking and kissing my lips.

We would only separate for air, then back again. This continued for a good four minutes when I felt him leaned back, my lips chasing for more.

I heaved deep breaths, wiping my abused lips. I chuckled at him, looking into his blue-grey eyes.

He only hummed in response, scooting over to me. I laid my head on his shoulder, him wrapping his arms around me.

I could feel his pointer finger making shapes on my arm before trailing down again my waist. His fingers grazed upon a certain spot, making me squirm.

He looked at me amusedly, "Are you ticklish?"

"I- uhm, yes?" I answered, looking at him.


"What? Most people would try to tickle me nO-" His fingers applied pressure to my ticklish spot making me move and squirm.


He continued,

And continued.

And with all my strength, I pushed him off. Of course, having his arm looped around me, I was dragged along with him.

I didn't know why we ended up in this position though.

He was laying down on the edge of the cloth, and I was straddling him, sitting on his lower torso. My arms on either side of his head, he breathed out, "Isn't this a nice position?" Eyes getting half-lidded.

I snapped into my senses, sitting up. "Shut up!" I covered my face with my hands, flustered with his words.

He sat up, me still straddling him, "I would let you dominate me though" he whispered huskily in my ear, kissing my cheeks after.



"So how's the date?" Hanji asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

"It was.....fun," I answered, my mind drifting back yesterday.

She squealed, and dropped the broom she was using, "Something happened! Spill!" She shakes me back and forth by my shoulders, demanding some tea.

"Nothing interesting Hanji! Just Levi being Levi!" I explained, hoping he would come out of the storage room and help me.

"Look! It's Eren! The famous author! He's back with a new book!" One of our customers whispered. We both whipped our heads to the television, eager to see our successful friend.

"So, Mr. Yeager, back again with another book! Care to tell the title and a little bit of the storyline?" The reporter laughed, looking at Eren.

"Well, the title is (b/t) and the storyline is about (y/b/s). I did have my friend to help me, but nothing credit worthy." He looked at the camera, his sinister smile growing.

Hanji looked at me with a panicked look and it quickly faded to anger.

"How could Eren do this! That is my book! T
How dare he!" I snarled, glaring at him through the TV as if he could see me.

Levi came out, looking bothered.

"Y/n! Isn't that the book you wrote? I swear to God, I'll kill him" his fists clenched, anger aura seeping out.

"Woah Levi! Let's not get physical! Let's just talk to him first!" Hanji blurted out.

"Call him y/n. This is stealing" He looked at me with so much authority, I whipped out my phone immediately.

Calling Eren...




"Hello?" His voice from the other line called.

"Eren? I saw you on the television, care to fucking explain?" I barked at him, hands gripping my phone tight.

"Y/n! Hello baby! Heh, you like my new book? Bet you do! I'm sending you a free copy today! Buh bye!" And he hung up. I made my way to the back door, stomping and screaming at the ground.

How could he do this! I trusted him! And he just steals my hard work?

Fuck him.


I'm sorry it's late !!

I had a lot of problem and fun writing the date scene, since I hadn't experienced it both.

And also, I'm at my grandma's house, and no one's taking care of her so I gotta do all the chOres lmao-

Hope you liked this chapter ! Sorry again for being late !

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