Chapter 1

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"Isabelle!" A voice called. No reply.

footsteps were heard coming up the stairs and into the bedroom. A teenaged girl lay in a crumpled content mess on the bed. A soft hand was placed on the teen's shoulder. "Isabelle" the voice said. "Time to get up! time for school!" Isabelle pulled her pillow over her head. "C'mon silly!" the voice said. The feet retreated away and suddenly bright light shown in the room. Isabelle dove deep into her cavern of darkness and warmth.

"I expect you downstairs in 15 minutes." The voice said. Then it was gone. Isabelle tried to hold on to the last moments in her bed then hopped up and sprung across her room. Quickly pulling on an old t-shirt, jeans and her favorite sweatshirt, Isabelle hurried to the bathroom to brush her teeth. In the bathroom Isabelle stared at her own reflection. She didn't look any different than anyone at school.. but she knew that she was different. It was only because she wouldn't talk, but she didn't care. There was nothing she ever had wanted to say and nothing she would ever want to say ever again.


*laughter heard echoing through the halls* "C'mon Isabelle!" a sweet melodious voice called, "it's time for your first day of school!" A woman stood in the hallway with a smile on her face and a hairbrush in hand. A little girl with brown hair went flying down the hall grabbing on to her mom's legs. "do I have to?" the little girl asked. "Yes honey." the mother replies, "but I'll be here when you come back."

Flashback ends:

Isabelle came back to reality and quickly wiped away the tears falling from her eyes. She quickly combed through her hair and put it up into a ponytail. Without a second glance, Isabelle hurried down the stairs and into the kitchen. Finding nobody in sight, she quickly grabbed her already prepared lunch and a granola bar for breakfast and headed for the door. Quickly she slipped her shoes on and grabbed her bag and heads out the door. She walked to the end of the block and waited for the bus. She ignored anybody else waiting at the bus stop with her and just focused on the ground.

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