Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
The fact that badminton became a struggle did not help Sophie calm herself down. According to Radiance, her emotions changed the amount of control over her powers, but her powers also affected her emotions, so if you were to draw a diagram to show the linkage between her emotions and powers, it would form a cycle.

She swung her racket as the shuttle flew across the net, before Regina swung her racket and lifted it across, giving Sophie access to a smash.

Sophie jumped and lifted off the ground, aiming for a smash. Just as she was about to smack the shuttle downwards, she felt a pulse of anxiousness flood through her. Her racket missed and she tumbled to the ground, unsure of what to do the moment she sat up. Regina covered her mouth as her eyes creased into slits. Malicious chortles formed as she choked it back, leaving Sophie with a scorching hot and red face.

How did you... it was right there.

"Radiance, if you haven't noticed, I am not as confident as you," she whispered as she scrambled to her feet.

And why do you doubt yourself?

"That's nothing you need to know about," she snapped and Radiance remained silent. Sophie paused, hoping she didn't hurt the fiery bird's feelings. Yes, Radiance was arrogant, but he certainly still had emotions brewing underneath his alter ego.

She shuffled back into the court with her racket and suppressed the awful twisting feeling that was forming again.

Thankfully, Radiance wasn't mad.

Oh just swing the racket the next time you can. Trust me on that.

Regina served the shuttle over and she whacked it back, and Regina did the same. The shuttle flew up high into the hair as Sophie skipped backwards, her eyes focusing onto the shuttle as she repeated her previous course of action.

Just hit.

Sophie followed her gut, which was burning intensely, as she swung her racket down, her wrist flicking downwards sharply. It made contact and went hurtling towards the other court. Regina dived for the shuttle but missed as Sophie landed back down.

Told you.

Regina shrieked as she threw her racket on the ground, demanding a reserve. However, not even the umpire could save her. She missed and that was the end of it. The rest of training was rather mundane, and so training ended in the blink of an eye.

Sophie pulled her bag over shoulder, feeling stares lay on her back again. She smirked and turned around, giving some of the staring students a few seconds of eye contact. She felt the same burning sensation form inside her again, but it was much calmer and even made her feel warm and cosy.

"I get that I'm attractive, but there's no need to stare," she stated smugly. A new burst of confidence flowed through her as she strode out of the hall, ignoring the childish whispers from behind.

What was that?

"I don't know what overcame me. Just felt like saying it. I think I've been holding in such statements since I first joined this ridiculous school."

Radiance burst out laughing while Sophie decided to jog home.

When she entered the lift, a strange and ominous feeling washed over her, but she shook it off, hoping that nothing was going to pounce on her. She entered the lift, shut the door and tapped her foot while the lift slowly creaked its way up to level 9. After poking her head out and cautiously scanning the sides of the corridor leading to her house, she scampered down the corridor and unlocked the door, slamming it heavily behind her.

Ancestors: The Other Worldحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن