Chapter 5

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Chapter 5
Sophie watched as the Nagauls swarmed outwards and out of camp, grabbing spears and slingshots. "My gut is telling me we should follow and help them," Sophie persuaded, flashing her friends a worried look.

"How can we even help?" Paul replied, his voice tense. "We just figure it out along the way, let's go!" Sophie yelled before taking off after the Nagauls.

Andrew was the first to follow, before everyone else began running, and Jarrett having to slow down and grab Kelvin as Kelvin began running the opposite way.

They arrived at the fight, where the Nagauls were engaged in an intense fight against some Ogres. "Why would there be Ogre's here?" Gabriel exclaimed, gripping his spear tightly.

Sophie turned to look at her friends. "It's our fault. The Ogres somehow managed to find us," Sophie whispered.

Kelvin was about to reply, but his eyes widened as he screeched, "Get down!"

An Ogre swung his club and missed their heads, grunting in frustration as he swung his club at them again. Sophie barely managed to crawl away in time as Abigail moved in front of her defensively. "Do not hurt the gypsies who were willing to research us!" She yowled before she changed into her Nagual form. Her sleek muscles rippled underneath her glossy black pelt as she let out a hiss and flung herself at the Ogre, using the immense strength she had to knock it over.

Gabriel crouched down beside them. "Are you alright?" He asked briefly as he studied the battle. "I think we are alright," Sumedha croaked out. Gabriel nodded somberly as he got to his feet. "I haven't spirit walked in quite some time. Now is the time to do it," he muttered as turquoise energy swirled around him. The energy formed a cloud of mist, and out emerged a Nagual. However, this Nagaul has beautiful golden rings on its paws and silver splotches on its marvellous jet black fur.

How is it possible for him to let the spirit of the Nagual walk free and join him in the fight? That's impossible!

"Clearly it isn't. He's doing it right now. They wanted to keep the spirituality for this very reason," Sophie marveled in awe.

"Woahhh...amazing..." gushed Hanlu as Gabriel charged into the fight with the Nagual.

"Guys, I think we need to get a grip and face those charging Ogres over there. That's what we came to help with, isn't it?" Pointed out Paul as Sophie realised three rampaging Ogres were lumbering towards them, bellowing out war cries. Their contorted faces were covered in their own mucky drool and their steps made the earth rumble.

Sophie stumbled backwards, turning to flee, but to no avail as one of the Ogres managed to get in front of her.

Sophie, stop trying to run all the time!

"I'm sorry, but if you didn't realise, I didn't live every day of my life fighting huge, fat, drooling monsters!" she screamed, her words struggling to even form proper statements. The ogre slammed its brown club onto the ground as she fell onto her back.

Just use your instincts! I can't help you if you don't fight yourself! I'M JUST A SPIRIT YOU WORTHLESS HUMAN!

"Speak for yourself, parrot!" she insulted as she flung her fist forward and a large flame exploded out of her hand and knocked the Ogre backwards.


The Ogre swung the club at her again, but this time she jumped over it with the help of a little fire provided by Radiance. She managed to unleash another spurt of fire, but the force of the fire sent her hurtling through the air and into mud.


"I wish I could project you out and punch your stupid beak," she fumed while wiping the mud of her clothes. "Gross," she complained as the Nagauls finished off the Ogres. She scanned the battlefield and her eyes landed on a frozen Sumedha. "Uh...what?" she fretted as she jogged over to her frozen friend.

Ancestors: The Other WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora