"I think you're gaining too much weight back too fast." my mother dared to finally answer me.

"You don't want to become overweight, then you'll never get a boyfriend."

I did NOT need this today..

"Mom, you know damn well that I'm not going to have another boyfriend no matter what my weight is."

"Oh sure you will, honey! Don't lose hope. You'll find the right guy some day. And I don't appreciate you using such dirty words when you talk to me either."

Her smile with that comment was massive, and I could see her lipstick rubbing off on her teeth.

She was positively disgusting..

I hated to say this about my own mother, but it's not like she saw me as a poster child anymore either.

"Mom, I like girls! Get over it! Your future son-in-law, will be a daughter-in-law. I don't care if you agree or not, I will not change my mind! Not that I even could in the first place."

"Brieanna I'm telling you, you're going to get a boyfriend, and you're going to live happily ever after with a tiny waist and a great man with lots of children, and you'll also leave a bunch of broken hearts behind of other boys aswell."

Her joker smile did not fade the entire time she spoke.

"What kind of fucked up mother tells her own child that she needs to lose weight when just a week ago, she was on their ass about not eating enough? And all for what? To get into a relationship? That's the exact opposite of what anyone should do."

I was super pissed now, and so was she.

She took one of her hands off of the wheel, took two fingers and pinched the thin layer of skin on my arm.

I hadn't even noticed that we had pulled in at the gym. The pain was too excruciating to notice much else.

My mom got real close into my face, pulling me closer to her make-up stained teeth by the skin on my arm, pinching and bruising me, and told me something I'd never forget.

"Look here you little faggot. You're damn lucky that I'm looking out for you so much. I don't have to let you stay in my house, I don't have to try and help you through this bull shit stage of your life. The only reason you're still here is because I'm not going to be seen as that ass hole mom who kicks out her child. Now get your ass in that gym before I have to kick you out of this car."

I yelped as she twisted my arm one last time as she shoved me towards the door.

I grabbed my shoes and crawled out of the door as quickly as I could, and before I could even finish shutting the door, she was speeding off to go to God knows where away from me.

I moved closer to the entrance of the gym and winced lifting my arm up to open the door.

I looked down at my arm and saw a bright amorphous purple and black bruise begin to swell up over the surface of my skin where my mother had gripped and pinched me tightly only a few moments before.

The act was unbearably painfull, and caused me great fear and anger. I couldn't do anything without my mother saying it was wrong.

I could probably bring a boy home tomorrow and still get in trouble for something as stupid as not calling and letting her know first.

She'd be positively oblivious to the fact that I brought home a MALE mate to try and gain her approval. She does everything she can to try and make me look and feel like shit.

Does my own mother really hate me?

The thought brought tears to my eyes as I dropped down in front of the door of the gym.

Depressed for Love (Lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now