Chapter 8

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~Nagitos Pov~
Cold... Its so cold...
Where am I?
Where's Hajime?
What's going on?
There is giggling from behind me. Oh god that sound like the kids from-
"My dear son..." A voice calls.
M-Mom? Is that mom? No. She died. Her and dad died!
"How disappointing... Komaeda have you been keeping up with your studies?" She asks.
"I-I'm trying but I have been in the hospital for-"
"No more excuses Nagito. I do not care about how long you have been avoiding your work. You will not fail me. You already killed me." She snaps.
I feel a tear run down my cheek. It feels as if I was just shot in the heart. "I-I'm Sorry Mom."
"Mother. You will call me mother from now on. You don't get the privilege to call me a name of endearment." She says coldly.
"Yes mother..." I say my voice breaking. I'm so sorry I'm a failure.
"So. You love that boy. Hinata. Disgusting." She sneared as she turned away in disgust. Her blonde hair was thin . She looked sickly. It was my luck that did it.
"Mother... Are you sick?" I questioned, hesitation stitched in my voice.
"Yes..." She said. I look back up at her and she vanishes. Leaving me alone in the cold.

I gasp sharply. Stupid fucking nightmares.
Im meeting up with Hajime after his shift. Its been a about 2 years since we met and we have gotten really close!

~Hajimes POV~

      We are together all the time at school and usually chill at his house for a few hours before I go home. Today Nagito met me at the store I work at about ten minutes before my shift ended.

     "Hajime what monster do you want?" He asked from across the small convenience store. 'Uhhhhhh lets go ultra paradise today." I respond after a while. "But remember to get  Kazuichi and Ibukis." We all meet up sometimes to hang out and listen to music at my house because all four of us are to loud for Nagitos landlord. One time he threatened to kick him out. We still find that funny.

    "Here are the monsters and can I get a lottery ticket? I wanna test my luck again." He laughed. "Dude if you get me fired one day ima kill you. You're only 17!" I scold. His face grows a smirk. Fuck I forgot he is actually an adult now. He turned 18 a few months ago. "On second thought I'm going to get this to! Just because it pisses you off." he chirps while putting a 24 pack of beer on the counter. I roll my eyes laughing and ring everything up.

       I put the money in the cash register and we walk out to his car.  I hop in the passenger seat and text Ibuki and Kazuichi in the group chat we all have to be ready outside of their apartment building. They live in the same Apartment building so it makes it easier for us. We drive there and sure enough Ibuki and Kazuichi are standing there with backpacks on. 

     "Get in bitches were kidnapping you" I joked as they got in the back of the car. "Hey guys!" Nagito greeted as we drove off. "Hey its been a while since we all hung out!" Kazuichi complained. "Yeah what's with that????" Ibuki chimed in. "Eh well Izuru will be out a while longer and I got off work so might as well." I shrug. We pull into the parking garage for my apartment and hop out. I walk to the trunk of the car and open it. We keep a spare backpack in there incase we want to sneak something in the apartment. I hold it open as Nagito puts the giant box of beer inside. "This is a terrible idea." He laughed. We got to my front door and I quickly unlocked it. We all moved to my room and I put in our playlist CD. Ibuki sat down on the beanbag chair in the corner and let out a sigh. "Its good to be back here! My house is so boring." She exhaled and grabbed her backpack. She opened it and took out a big box. "Hajime didn't you say you wanted a tongue piercing? I mean if not Kazu did bring the stick-in-poke kit." She asked me while unpacking the large piercing needles and other items that came with them. "Maybe after a few beers... I don't think I can do that sober." I chuckled nervously. "Whats with you and needles Ibuki?" Kazuichi asked. "I like them!" She yells. Honestly I don't know what happened after that fight with Izuru. We all just kind of converted into those stereotypical "Bad kids" you see in movies. I'm not complaining though. This is the most free I have ever felt in my life. I mean who doesn't fuck up in high school?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2021 ⏰

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