chapter 5

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TW: very graphic

~Nagitos POV~

We kinda sat there awkwardly until I finally spoke up. "So... What kind of food do you like?" I asked. " Anything is fine..." He spoke quietly; refusing to make eye contact with me. I decided to just drive to a café. It was kind of far away. He doesn't want to go home... I can tell. Judging by that call Izuru said something about me and his interaction last night when he dropped me off. He also most likely said something hurtful after Hajime yelled at him. I haven't know Hajime long but I do know that he doesn't like people to see him show much 'weakness'. I don't think crying makes you weak though. It must make him feel insecure. I don't know why someone as beautiful and charming as him would ever feel insecure but its not my place to judge.

 " You know... when my parents died in that crash I was labeled cursed. I mean who wouldn't think I was weird. I was the only one to survive a bazaar accident. After the accident I went to public school were I was bullied. But one incident stuck with me. In third grade the kids who would tease me at school found me by a river after school one day. They called out to me by the nickname they gave me but when I didn't respond they kicked the back of my leg so I would fall down..." I paused for a second when I noticed Hajime was fully invested into my story. I chuckled and continued. " After I was on the ground, they kicked me over and over again. Of course it hurt but I thought it was better at the time for them to just have their fun. Besides it would have just been better to kill trash like me. Sometimes I wish they did." I frowned slightly. "When they saw I didn't react they took it a step further. One of them pulled a pocket knife out. I didn't react. Four of them held me down while the other one opened the knife. He started by stabbing both of my thighs. One of the kids holding my arms down covered my mouth. The one with the knife then moved to my stomach where he stabbed it and twisted it. After I barely reacted to all of this they got frustrated and dunked my head into the river a few times and then stabbed my hand pinning it to the ground." I finished just as we parked. " Haha perfect timing!" I laughed as I looked at Hajime.

 He unbuckled his seatbelt and crawled over the section dividing our seats. " H-Hajime?" I was beyond confused. Suddenly he lifted up my shirt. "H-HAJIME?!?" I blushed. He inspected my skin closely. We were in a very, very... questionable position. He then traced over the scar that the kids left all those years ago. He frowned as he hugged my torso. I hesitantly pat his hair but then stroked it softly. I could feel tears in my eyes. This is the first time someone has hugged me in a long... long time. Sure I hugged him And he hugged back earlier but this was the first time someone else chose to hug me. "You are not trash." I heard him say. " Yes I am Hajime. Its okay you don't have to-" "NO YOUR NOT!" He raised his voice. He was now gripping onto the sides of my jacket. His eyes were glossy and his face was extremely close to mine. I took this moment to study his face. He had small, almost unnoticeable freckles on his cheeks. His Olive eyes were gorgeous. His lips were a soft pinkish tan. He was the definition of pure beauty. He looked down. Down as he breathed out a shaky breath. He started laughing. " We only started talking yesterday and here I am throwing myself onto you!" He looked up at me. Jesus he was so cute. " Its honestly fine Hajime!" I smiled. He smiled back and hugged me once more before getting out of the car. I did the same. We walked into the small Café. We were greeted by a small petite girl with Lilac eyes and short  strawberry blonde hair. " Hello I am Ruruka! Welcome to my café!" She smiled. "Thank you we are grad to be here!" I smile softly. Hajime looked uncomfortable. We ordered and sat down. "Hajime are you okay?" I ask. "Yeah just... tired." his voice was small and he was looking down. I reached over and slipped my fingers under his chin and lifted his head up. He looked at me. His eyes softened and as his lips form a small smile. Holy shit I'm going to die if this man gets any more gorgeous. The waiter came with our drinks. "Aw what a cute couple!~" Oh fuck it was Hiyoko. We pulled away from each other quick. She snickered as she walked off. We looked at each other. We started dying laughing. Of course we got weird looks but we have fun.

We ended up going to the mall after skipping almost a full day of school. It was Friday though so it didn't really matter to us. We stayed out until 8 PM when I realized I should drop Hajime off. We have ignored all calls from Izuru today. God he did call a lot. We pulled up next to his house. We both just stared at the apartment building. He put his hand on the door but didn't open it. " Hey Hajime? If you aren't ready to face him you can always stay the night at my house." I offered. He looked back at me and smiled sadly while nodding. I took that as a que to drive to my house. 

When we made it to my apartment he stared at it before slowly getting out. We walked to my apartment in silence. I knew why he didn't want to go home. Izuru wasn't the most forgiving type. We finally made it to my door and I had just gotten my keys out when I realized. 


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