Chapter 4

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~Nagitos POV~

A blaring alarm pulled me out of bed. I grabbed my phone off my dresser to turn off the loud noise when I saw I had a new message.

Doc: Komaeda, meds now.

Me: Yeah yeah I know.

I walk over to my kitchen after getting dressed and open the cabinet were I keep my medication. I grab the three bottles I need and close the small door. "Oh its raining today. How unlucky. I don't have an umbrella." I said to myself. I guess I just have to run today.

~Hajimes POV~

Its 8 AM and I'm sitting in Homeroom. Every one but one person is here. It was raining today but it was no problem for me. Izuru kept telling me "be careful", "you could slip" shit like that. I started doodling on a piece of paper. Just as I had finished my masterpiece of angry Izuru a loud bang was heard from the front of the classroom. My head shot up to see Komaeda standing there with wet hair and his white shirt slightly translucent. Oh my fucking god he was... Hot. He looked at me and smirked.  I saw him yesterday. why the fuck was he so good looking now??? Am I gay? Holy shit he is walking over. He leans down to my ear and whispers "Hajime~ why are you blushing?". I slightly whimper at first. I'm definitely gay. " I- Uh I'm not!" I said to him quietly. he laughed slightly and sat down behind me. I hid my face in my hands. What the fuck just happened. Why was he being so different today. Whatever I just hope no one else saw that.

We finish up with class and I walk out. Nagito catches up to me.


please don't mention this morning.

That was awkward as hell. He finally spoke up. " Hinata-kun? Why are you so stressed today?" he said curiously as he looked forward. " Oh its nothing. My rents just due soon  and Izuru is pressuring me to get a job." I stated shrugging. " How much is your rent?" He questioned. "Curious are we?" I laughed. "But to answer your question, about 50,000 yen." I said looking away. Then he handed me a small bag. I opened it cautiously to see... 50,000 yen! "WHAT THE FUCK NO IM NOT TAKING THIS!" I yelled trying to give the money back. He chuckled in response.  "Dude take it. Please." he said smiling. I couldn't possibly take it. I met him like a day ago. " Nagito I'm  not taking the money! You need it!" I said while staring at him. He simply shook his head. " I actually have more than enough. After Each month I usually have about 60 times that amount left over so its really fine." he smiled. I stood there in disbelief. " N-Nagito are you sure?" I asked hesitantly. He nodded as he smiled brightly, and walked away.

Still shocked I walked down the hall to the front doors. I needed to call Izuru. When I pulled my phone out of my pocket I noticed a certain blonde staring at me. "What the fuck was that?" Fuyuhiko shouted as he stomped towards me. "What!?" I said annoyed at his anger. "Why did He give you money????" He interrogated. "Dude chill he was helping me with rent." I said embarrassed. "I was short..." I mumbled. The short male in front of me just stared. He mumbled something along the lines of 'I don't trust him'. I scoffed as he walked away. I need to call Izuru.

Ringing. It felt like It was ringing for 10 hours. "Hello?" I here my older brother say. "Hey just letting you know I have rent covered this month." I spoke quietly. "WHAT HOW?!?!?!?! HAJIME HINATA ARE YOU STEALING MONEY?!" He blew up. " Damn I thought you would be more excited to get a few days off." I said rolling my eyes. "Hajime.... What did you do?" He asked slowly. "Jesus Izzy it was just some money from Nagito." I sighed rolling my eyes. "Nagito Komaeda..." He mumbled. Wait he didn't even acknowledge the fact that I called him Izzy. He hates that nickname. Is he mad at me? did something happen between them? No we just met that cant be it. "Stay away from that boy." Izuru said nonchalantly. Are you kidding me?! " No why should I?" I asked. He groaned. " I already talked to him about it. I don't want you to hang out with him." He said quietly. I was furious." ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! IZURU WHY CANT I HAVE ONE THING IN LIFE!? I LIKE HIM! HE IS A GOOD PERSON! IM SORRY YOU CANT TRUST ANYONE, I REALLY AM BUT THAT IS NOT MY FUCKING PROBLEM! JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE MY OLDER BROTHER DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN CONTROL MY LIFE! I AM SIXTEEN YEARS OLD BUT YOU BEEN ACTING LIKE IM FIVE EVER SINCE MOM AND DAD DIED!" I screamed. suddenly a wave of guilt hit me. I went to far. "Goodbye Hinata." He hung up. He called me Hinata. He hasn't called me that in six years. "FUCK!" I yelled as I threw my phone to the ground. "H-Hinata-kun?" a voice called from behind me. Oh no. That voice. Its... Nagitos. Oh god. How much did he hear. I turn around slowly.

~Nagitos POV~

I stood there holding my wrist. " N-Nagito, hi sorry I was Just-" tears were falling from his olive colored eyes. "Hey there is no need to apologize! Especially to trash like me." I tried to sooth him while I pulled him into a hug. I rubbed circles on his back as he cried. I don't think he knows I was there for the entire call. I feel bad that insignificant garbage like me was so close to him. " Do you want to go out to lunch? After that I can take you home." I offered. I could barely see him but I did feel him nod against my chest. I pulled away and brought him into the school. As we walked to his locker to get his stuff he never did look up at me. After we got his stuff we walked to my car. I quickly opened the car door for him and then sat in my own seat.

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