J--"Wear did you get a job at?" I sighed, he was always on my side against my parent's or anybody at school but he wasn't always around, where my sister got everything handed to her on a silver plater, me and my twin sister got along too it's just she had it easier since she was way skinner than me, my thought's were interrupted by James saying, 

J--"Sis, sis, are you there?" 

C--"Yeah sorry, I didn't get a job I have asked 7 different place's today and nobody was hiring anybody" 

J--"So nobody was hiring for an assistant job?" 

C--"Umm yell" 

J--"You didn't apply to any big company did you?" 

C--"Nope, you know me so well" 

J--"Sis get out there and apply to them all they can do is say no, you know that right?" 

C--"I know I'm just not feeling to good right now" and it wasn't a complete lie I have a little bit of a headache but I am not going to quite now, 

J--"Go and apply right this instant" I sigh and say, 

C--"Okay, but I can't do that if you don't let me go" 

J--"Alright alright good bye love you" "love you too bub." 

After dealing with my sibling's I walked down the street and then looked up and seen Scott Enterprise the second most, or in my book best company in the world I love there hotel's they are beautiful I was about to walk away when I seen open interviews on the top floor so when I conjured up the courage I went into the building and it was humongous, I stopped looking around because I felt people looking at me and when I looked to the front of me I seen a group of 4 girl's one was sitting off to the side and she looked oddly familiar, she smiled at me when we met eye's and the other's had disgusted look's on there face and I know they were judging me but I am not going to back out of this my brother said the right thing to help me be confident, all they can say is no and then I will move on, I stopped thinking in my head and walked to the only girl that smiled at me she looked to be around my age, I said with a smile on my face, 

C--"Hello I was wondering if the interview's were still going on" she smiled back at me and was about to say something when one of the girls beside her said, 

Front Desk Girl--"Not for somebody like you" my smile dropped and then I heard the girl that smiled at me said to her, 

K--"Would you like to still have a job after today?" then the one girl frowned and looked at her and said, 

Front Desk Girl--"Yes why do you ask?" 

K--"Because if I ever hear you say that about another person you will be fired and my brother doesn't ever say no to me got it" 

Front Desk Girl--"Wait your Kimmy?" 

K--"Yes and are you going to say anymore bitch" the girl sat there and kept her mouth shut and the girl that's name is Kimmy said to me, 

K--"Yep let's get you to that interview" and she walked me to the elevator and then when we got in I turned and looked at her and said, 

C--"Thank you for that you don't know how much I appreciate you doing that" 

K--"You are very welcome I am glad that I helped you" I smiled at her and she smiled back at me and then the rest of the elevator ride we talked and I could see myself being good friend's with her, the elevator stopped and we both walked out and then I sat down and she sat down beside me in the waiting room and there was so many people in here with us they all went in and came out with teary eye's but I didn't let that stop me everybody was done but me, when they called my name I stood up so did Kimmy and I said, 

C--"Where are you going?" 

K--"In with you" 

C--"What you can't do that"

K--"Yes I can just watch you will be surprised" I just giggle and we just walked into the room and I was so nervous, when I we walked in I seen three men and the one at the desk said, 

N--"Hi how are you? Callie right?" the other's were just smiling at me so I answered, 

C--"Yes that is me and I am doing well thank you" Kimmy patted me on the back and went to the guy on the left and sat on his lap, 

K--"Hey baby" I was shocked but I smiled at me when she smiled at me and then she looked at the owner of the company and said, 

K--"Noah can we go to dinner?", 

N--"Yes sis after I look over her resume" I was shocked she was his sister no wonder the girl's were afraid of her but I quickly changed my face back to my normal face so no one would see it then Noah Scott looked back towards me and said, 

N--"Please have a seat Callie" he pointed to the seat in front of the desk and picked up my resume and we all sat there in silence until he was done, 

N--"I think you are the most qualified for the job all but going to college if you don't mind me asking why that is" I didn't want to say my parent's don't love me so they didn't send me to college so I just said, 

C--"I didn't have the money sir" he just nodded his head and then stood up and said, 

N--"You get the job Callie it will be great to have you apart of our team" I stood up and then said to him, 

C--"Thank you so much sir, when should I start?" he was thinking then said,  

N--"How about tomorrow, we were just headed out to get something to eat after a long day of interviewing", 

C--"Sound's good and thank you again" I said and was turning to leave but I was stopped in my tracks when Kimmy said, 

K--"How about you come with us?" I thought shit what do I say to that,

C--"Umm I can't really tonight but thank you for the offer" I smiled then went to turn again but was stopped again but this time it was Noah to stop me in my track's,

N--"If it's the money don't worry I am paying for everyone so please join us" I turned and I seen Kimmy and the rest all standing behind me waiting on my answer and I couldn't say no,

C--"Okay fine I will come with you guy's" Kimmy started jumping up and down say,

K--"Yay yay yay come on" she started to pull me to the elevator. 

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