"Nice speech" Steve said as the girl looked down.

"Good old honest truth never hurts anyone, huh. I've actually been thinking about the Accords" She said warily.

Steve and Natasha both looked to the blonde telling her to go on.

"I've had a lot of time to process it, and after coming to the funeral I came to my decision" She sighed as she put her hands in her pockets.

Steve looked defeated as he looked away.

"I'm not signing it" She announced making Steve shoot his head back to her.

"What happened to the whole Paul and parents thing" Natasha asked.

"I guess I just realized that if I put the future in perspective, it won't be my perspective anymore, it'll be the governments. And I don't think I could live with myself if I was under constant watch" Savannah admitted.

"You sure this is the right path?" Nat asked solemnly.

"I believe that life isn't just follow the leader. I believe it's follow your gut feeling and not what others say is right" Savannah answered honestly.


"So you're not signing?" Sam asked as Savannah got into the passengers seat of the car.

"No" Savannah admitted.

"I'm glad" he said as Savannah smiled at him.

"You know I love you, right?" Savannah told him as he smiled.

"I love you too" he pecked her lips before looking into the backseat where Paul sat giggling.

"He has a cute laugh" Savannah admired as Sam grinned.

"Let's make him do it again" he said cheekily as Savannah chuckled softly before kissing Sam's lips once more.

Paul laughed loudly making The two smile into the kiss.

"You know we'll have to find a babysitter, right" Sam said as Savannah shrugged.

"Sharon's great at keeping watchful eyes."


"My mom tried to talk me out of enlisting, but not aunt Peggy. She bought me my first thigh holster." Sharon told Steve.

"Very practical." Steve smiled.

"And stylish" The two joked as she pressed the elevator button, going up.

"So I heard your gonna be taking care of Paul for a while?" Steve asked trying to start up a conversation.

"Ya, Anna said she trusted me with him so I'll be the babysitter for awhile." She answered as they stood now in another uncomfortable silence.

"CIA has stationed you here now?" Steve asked.

"Berlin, Joint Terrorism Task Force."

"Right, right. Sounds fun" he nodded

"I know, right" she said copying his nod.

"I've been meaning to ask you, when you were spying on me from across the hall-"

"You mean when I was doing my job" she said jokingly.

"Did Peggy know?" Steve asked.

"She kept so many secrets, I didn't want her to have one from you" she admitted.

"Thanks for walking me back" Sharon said with a smile.

"Sure" he replied simply

He opened his mouth to say something else but Sam interrupted.

"Steve, there's something you gotta see." Sam said nervously.


"A bomb hidden in a news van, ripped through the UN building in Vienna. More than 70 people have been injured. At least 12 are dead, including Wakanda's King T'Chaka. 

Officials have released a video of two suspects, who they have identified as James Buchanan Barnes and Savannah May Hemming. The Winter Soldier and The Raven. 

The infamous HYDRA agents, linked to numerous acts of terrorism and political assassinations."

"Anna didn't come home last night" Sam stated worriedly. 

Paul began to cry as Sam quickly comforted his son, "I have to go" Sharon said simply.


"I'm already in a protective area. They can't find me here" Pietro shrugged as he walked with his oldest triplet.

"I know, I guess I just wanted a reason to come and visit you. It's been a while" Tamara shrugged as they walked along the forest line. 

"Pietro! Lunch is ready!" Olivia called from the back door.

"Be right there!" He answered as the two watched the door close again.

"She seems nice" Tamara said solemnly.

"She's great, Its been good. We're talking about kids soon" Pietro told her with a goofy smile.

"Kids? Already? Jesus, Pietro I haven't even got myself a boyfriend and you're here talking about kids? I feel old" She spoke as Pietro shook his head.

"You are the oldest" He teased as Tamara playfully pushed him.

"So your really retiring, huh? Gonna be a family man?" Tamara asked.

"That's the plan, didn't see that coming" the two chuckled at the joke. 

"You know you can always stay for lunch, meet Olivia. You have to at some point" Pietro asked.

"I'd rather not, Sam called me yesterday telling me Anna never came home. He sounded worried" Tamara admitted.

"You think she's alright? She might be back already" Pietro said now turning his attention fully on his sister.

"Maybe, I'll go check it out. Might have to keep a low profile though, it'd be shit if I got caught by the government since I didn't sign the Accords" Tamara shrugged.

"I'll see you, alright" Pietro said pulling his sister into a hug as she nodded and hugged back for a moment.

"Pietro! Lunch will get cold! Get your ass in here! Oh hello Tammy!" Olivia waved as the dirty blonde giggled.

"I like her already" Tamara said waving back.


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