Chapter 11

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Embrace who you are in your essence and embrace the people around you.

Take pictures with your friends and families.
Spend time with your family.They are getting older and lonelier.


The negative only seem so bad because it hurts more than the positive. But make the positive things feel better than the negative. It will take time but do it. Practice seeing the bright side in a dark situation.

Spend more time on the ones who love you and less time trying to get someone to love you.

That guy that you're stressing over, let him go. He don't get better with time. He gets worse. The hurt gets worse.

Don't stay with abusive men. It don't mean he love you because he crazy. It means the opposite actually. He loves the control. Not you . He gone leave you for a stronger woman who don't allow it.
I promise.

A dude ain't gone love you if YOU don't love you.
Love yourself so hard that a dude ain't got no choice.

Give that annoying guy a chance. You know? The guy one that breaks his neck for you. The one that's always there when you need him. The one that don't even give you a reason to cry. He may not be the boy you want but there will come a point when you will look back and wish you acted like you had sense. By the time you want him, he'll be gone forever.

Being mean ain't cute. Having a bad attitude ain't cute.

Be nicer to people. Don't let the last time you talk to someone be on bad terms. You can talk to someone at 1:03 pm and at 1:33 pm, thirty minutes later, they can be gone from this earth. Never coming back.

Don't do people how they do you, it will catch up to you,not them.

Spend more time with the friends that's always there when you need them. Not the ones who only there when its time to party.

If your mother tell you that guy or girl ain't your friend...THAT AIN'T YOUR FRIEND.

My advice?
Get better friends.
Fuck with people who really want what's best for you and your mental health.
Put people into your life who celebrate you and are there for all your accomplishments.
But who are also there for you when you're at your lowest/highest and who genuinely want what's good for you.Don't keep people in your life just because they've been around for years or you're afraid to be alone. Your circle matters.

Stop telling them all your business. They telling it to other people when you're not around. Yes. They are.


If they want to leave, let them.

Everything heals.

As you get older you start to understand the difference between
Friends & Associates
Family & Blood
Business & Work
Relationship & Dating
Love & Lust
Want & Need
And most of all what's important and what's NOT.

God I hear you!!

It's a whole world outside of social media. Don't let life pass you by. Remember you can't get time back. Get out in the world and live. You don't need money to live either. Just get out in the world.

You will learn that the best things in life are free.

When you hit rock bottom, because you will, don't panic. It's only to show you who for you. Pay attention to the people who not there. They don't love you.

Let that dude breathe. You don't have to be up under him all the time.


Peace over chemistry.
Be more patient.

Everything not gone make sense right now. It's not supposed to.

You will get your heart broken. A few times. It's all good. When you're losing your mind, just remember that we all went thru it at one point. Not just you.

Spend more time with God.

Keep a diary.

People got real life struggles out here. So while you complaining about a new phone, car, clothes, & shoes, be grateful for what you got because God can always take it away.

It's okay to have weak moments. Don't let that moment turn into years though.

Apologize when you know you're in the wrong.

It's not always them. Sometimes it's you.

You gone lose a few people along the way. It's always the least ones you expect.

Embrace them broke days. You're living more than you think, baby. It's beauty in the struggle.

You're not as lonely as you think. Your soul is just trying to hang on to your innocence by protecting you from bad energies that's about to change the person you are.

The voice of God isn't loud. It's very gentle and faint but it's there. Be still. You'll hear it. But you have to be still.

Your parents know A LOT but they don't know everything. This is where spending time with God comes in. You gone need him.

Your heart means well but it don't always KNOW well. Be logical in these times. It's crucial.

If you want something done, do it NOW. You gone blink and years gone been passed.

Tell people you love them every chance you get.

Stop judging people. They ain't perfect. Neither are you.

You ain't been thru enough to know what you will and won't do yet.

You're not who you think you are. Life funny like that.

Life is beautiful. A lot of people didn't make it to your age so please be grateful and blessed.

Everybody will get their chance in life. If you want to be the next athlete, artist, entrepreneur, or any professional career. Whether if its finacial, academics, health, or so on. You will get your turn. You have to work hard and be dedicated what you are passionate about. Do not let distractions or negativity hold you down on your dreams.
Nothing is constant but change.

You never know what someone is dealing with behind doors, and off of social media. We are all fighting demons, depression, stress, and anxiety. Trust I know how it is to deal with it, experience 1st hand and nothing funny about it.We shut down and hold in things because we don't think no one understand I have almost lost my mind Many Times but GOD and my support team, mental illness is real please check on your people.

Mental illness is REAL! Seek help! Help others seek help! Look for signs of depression, it's in their actions and in their words! 🥺 I can relate to this because I lost a really good friend, Kierra McClain to depression on 1/3/2021 and she was only 21 years old.

You will learn that your most darkest moments will teach you your greatest lessons. Pay attention more when you're in these moments. Most of the time God will put you in the dark quiet place just so you can listen. Remember I said be still? When you feel like nobody is there, it's because God isolated you. He had to. God don't compete with noise.

PROTECT YOUR PEACE. PLEASE. IT'S SO IMPORTANT. It determines who you become.
Protect that woman you're fighting to become. Period.

When you see a bend in the road, it's not the end of the road. Take the leap of faith and make that turn. That's life in essence. You have to keep going. No stopping. No quitting. You only win if you don't quit. So don't ever give up on yourself!

Please hurt them with kindness. Never again apologize for being who you are. Every time you see me I'ma be doing better than I was the last time you seen me!!
Karma is real. And it's the realest thing you will ever know. TREAT PEOPLE RIGHT.

Even when it hurts, it will be okay!

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