Chapter 4

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If you are waiting for everything to be perfect to enjoy your life, you will never enjoy it. If you are waiting for everything to fall into place before you can stop and just be, you will always miss it. One thought away. one breath away. Waiting for the perfect relationship. The perfect job. The perfect home. The perfect set of friends. The perfect image. The perfect partner. The perfect life. Thinking this will bring "it". We think this is what happiness is.
First, I've never met a single person that had the perfect life. I've never met a person who doesn't have any problems or have faced/faces some sort of struggle. And second, a lot of the things we think bring happiness are just an idea in our head. An image painted by others to sell. Getting there, just to still feel that same emptiness. So many live their whole lives never realizing the cycle they are in.
You are allowed to enjoy life. Exactly how it is. With everything going on. No matter what anyone says. You are ALIVE. WE are ALIVE. Sharing this breath right now together - if you will stop and feel it. What a miracle it is. All of it. Even the sadness. Even the pain. Even the confusion. Even the loneliness. Even the exhaustion. Even the parts I can't understand. All part of this beautiful journey showing me who I really am underneath it all. All of seasons. All of the changes. All of the feelings. I am Love. I don't need the perfect life.I'll take some rain with my sunshine.

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