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Start from the beginning

Marlene watched as the sword went into Groot's body, the tree crying. Bucky was next, his own knife going into his throat with angry grunts leaving his throat as he fought against the restraints. Loki was calm as the sword behind him was slowly going into his body. When her eyes met Steve's terrified ones, she let a tear fall.

"STOP!" she yelled as the swords and other weapons froze.

Thanos smirked. "Well?"

"Marlene," Loki growled. "Do not—" his words were muffled as Thanos flicked his fingers his way and made his mouth covered. Loki glared at the Titan.

Using her own powers, she tried to remove the weapons to stall, but she found her powers useless against four Infinity Stones working together.

She lowered her eyes as she heard Wanda's whimpering. "Put her down," Marlene finally said. Thanos dropped Wanda and detained her similarly to the others.

Marlene gulped as she waved her hand midair and summoned the Tesseract. Breaking it, the Space Stone appeared. She felt it calling out to her, but she ignored it as it was sent to the Gauntlet. Thanos grinned.

"And the Mind Stone."

Marlene scowled, her lip twitching into a snarl as she summoned her stone. Staring at it, her eyes went to Loki as he glared at her and then pointed his stare at the stone.

Marlene realized he wanted her to touch it.

Maybe if she had, she could have saved everyone.

Thanos knocked her away into the nearest tree, and she watched as Thanos grabbed the stone and locked it into place. Before he could do anything, Thor's axe flew through the trees, landing straight into Thanos's chest.

Marlene sat up warily as she watched Thanos struggle with the power of the stones, and when Thor appeared, he grabbed the handle of his axe with a smirk.

"I told you. You'd die for that!" Thor screamed as he grabbed the back of Thanos's head.

Though weak, Thanos smirked at Thor as he stammered out, "Y-You should have... you... You should have gone for the head!"

Marlene screamed out just as Thanos snapped his fingers. She felt her chest burning, and she suddenly felt sick. Leaning over, she felt herself puke in the bushes as it felt like she was dying.

"What'd you do?" Thor shouted as he watched Marlene become sickly looking. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!"

Thanos disappeared into his own portal as the hold he had on the Avengers let up. Loki ran to Marlene first, followed by Steve.

Holding his side, Steve gasped out, "Where'd he go? Thor... where'd he go? Marlene, what's wrong?"

"He did something to her stone," Loki whispered just as Steve crouched down to help Marlene stand, her eyes simmering back to grey. Suddenly, her hair began to turn brunette from the roots as she coughed violently to the side.

Bucky's voice broke their worry for Marlene as he mumbled, "Steve?"

Marlene's head rose just as she saw Bucky fall to the ground in ashes. Steve let Loki hold Marlene as he ran forward to where his best friend once was.

Marlene watched as T'Challa began to disappear,
followed by Groot.

Groot mumbled, "I am Groot" to Rocket.

"No... no. No. No. No! Groot, no..." Rocket yelled, grabbing the ashes.

Wanda gasped out as Vision grabbed her arm. She disappeared next, the dust coating Vision's hands as the android looked up in worry. Marlene then watched Sam disappear, no one knowing what to do or if they were next.

Marlene fell to her knees as Loki began to disappear next to her. Marlene was too weak to stand.

"Loki!" Thor yelled.

Loki looked at Marlene, grabbing her hand shakily. "Your time will rise again..." he murmured before Thor dropped where Loki's ashes were.

Steve looked around as the only remaining members were Thor, Rhodey, Natasha, Bruce, Rocket, and Vision. He turned, seeing Marlene's sobbing figure as she could not even stand up. He reached her, helping her and wrapping his arms around her to pull her to his chest.

"What is this? What the hell is happening?" Rhodey asked.

"It's my fault. It's all my fault," she repeated over and over. "It's my fault!"

Steve held Marlene tighter as he caressed her hair. "Oh, God," he murmured.

"Thanos wiped out half the universe," Marlene sobbed.

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