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nat finds ronin and raven

MARLENE placed her mask on her head as Clint had already jumped from the Quinjet. Following him, she rolled over the roof, wincing from the impact. She jumped through the hole in the roof next, landing in the midst of chaos. Marlene smirked as Clint used his sword to kill as she took out the gun, helping him. Now, people were trying to kill her as well, but she did not care. Nor did Clint as he jumped over Marlene's body to stab the man sneaking up on her.

" あいつだ! アキヒコさんを!"

It's him! He's after Akihiko!

Marlene was glad she could not understand them, but Clint certainly did. Using his katana, he slaughtered the men quickly as Marlene fought the remaining on the floor beneath him. She knew he wanted the main guy they were after.

"Raven!" Clint yelled the little nickname he used on their missions since he was known as Ronin. "The alley."

Marlene nodded, jumping through the nearest window. She did not bother about the glass as she killed the next man with a knife from her boot. After flipping them in her hands, she smirked, slicing through the nearest man's neck. Clint and Akihiko both landed in the alley as everyone was dead around them. Clint rose his hand so Marlene did not interfere.

"てめえ なぜこんなことをする? 俺たちてめえになにもしてねぇだろ!"

Why are you doing this? We never did anything to you!

"地球の半分 サノスにやられた... お前はなぜ無事なの..." Clint murmured back as he held katanas in both hands.

You survived... Half of the planet didn't. They got Thanos... you get me.

As Clint ran forward, they engaged in battle as Marlene suddenly felt an odd presence in the air. Someone else was here.

"お前はもう十分殺しただろ" Clint called.

You're done hurting people.

"俺らがだと? 気でも狂ったか!"

WE hurt people? You're crazy!

Marlene grabbed the balcony above her, raising herself in the air. Her legs extended as she flipped to land on the shaky balcony to get a better view. She saw another Quinjet. Someone was definitely here. She looked down at Clint finishing off Akihiko.

Clint slid under the katana from Akihiko, delivering a fatal blow to his side. Clint held the sword to his throat with a feral growl leaving his throat at the sight.

"待て! 助けてくれ! お前に何でもやる! 何が欲しい? "

Wait! Help me! I'll give you anything! What do you want?

Marlene frowned at his next words. "What I want... You can't give me."

Marlene was about to warn Clint about someone being there as Clint finished his kill and wiped the blood off on his sleeve, but he caught her eye and shook his head. He knew as well.  She stayed in the shadow just as Natasha walked forward with an umbrella keeping her dry from the rain.

"You shouldn't be here," Clint muttered to her as he turned.

Natasha shook her head. "Neither should you. Where is she?"

"I've got a job to do, and I don't know who you are talking about," Clint lied.

"Is that what you're calling this? A job? Killing all these people isn't gonna bring your family back. Dragging Marlene into it isn't going to bring her powers back," Natasha said just as Marlene jumped from the balcony to stand next to Clint.

She pulled off her mask with scowl. "I know my powers are gone," she sneered, the rain falling and masking her tears. "I know you all think I'm useless. He didn't drag me here. I found him years ago and begged to join."

Natasha's face softened. "Harry needs his mother home," she whispered as Clint's face fell into a grimace. "Not here killing." She paused. "We found something. A chance, maybe..."

Clint's head snapped up with a broken look on his face. "Don't..."

"Don't what?"

"Don't give me hope."

Natasha walked forward to grab his hand. "I'm sorry I couldn't give it to you sooner."

Marlene frowned, feeling the guilt eating her alive again. Turning, she began to walk off.

"Where are you going!?" Natasha called. "Steve's been a wreck, Marlene. You're being selfish."

Marlene turned back with malice on her face. "Don't you dare. No one knows what I've been going through. No one, not even Steve no matter how hard he tries to see through me." She looked at Clint. "Go with her. I'll be fine."

Clint nodded once as Natasha frowned as Marlene's retreating figure to her Quinjet.

Marlene jumped inside of the Quinjet with a sob leaving her lips. She grasped her chest, lifting her shirt once the hatch closed. Her chest held black lines that were stretching down her stomach. She growled in pain when she touched one of them. Shoving her shirt down, she started up the jet while simultaneously dialing a number on the Quinjet's phone.

Marlene watched as Pepper's face beamed on the hologram. She was worried by the look she was giving her. "Where are you? Tony and Steve are worried sick! Natasha was supposed to find you—"

"I'm coming to see you first. I know you have my kid," Marlene said with a small laugh. Pepper nodded but did not laugh as she still looked worried. "Don't look at me like that, Pep. Everything will work out like it's supposed to. I'll be there in a few hours."

Ending the call, she sent a quick message to Steve, letting him know she was fine. Ignoring his call right after, she focused on flying through the horrible storm of Tokyo.

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