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Everyone was leaving for Christmas.

Leah hadn't thought she was going to make such good friends and was going to miss them so much over Christmas.

"Bye! I'll miss you!" Amber waved to her friends and kissed Wes before running off to her parents her were eating in the car.

The entire entrance to the school was filled with students trying to find which car belonged to their parents.

Leah looked around before she saw her fathers small battered car in the corner of her eye. "Oh that's it! My fathers here. I'm gonna miss you guys! See you in a couple weeks." She hugged Emily and waved to the boys before turning to Olly. "See you in-" she was cut off by Olly kissing her gently.

"Have a good Christmas." Was all he said.

She smiled and turned away, walking towards her father who was stepping out the car and beaming at her.

"Hello lovely!" He said wrapping his arms around her and squeezing tightly. "Are those your friends?"

"Yeah." Leah smiled as they got in the car.

They drove away down the country roads, watching the trees and hills and endless fields passing by he window.

Leah told her dad all about her friends and lessons and the teachers too. She decided not to mention that Olly was a little more than just a friend. Her father was very over protective and she knew she would spend the entire holidays answering strange questions she didn't know the answer to about Olly.

They finally got home and Leah unpacked her clothes. The living room was covered in beautiful Christmas decorations from when Leah was younger.

A certain ornament caught her eye, it was one Leah and her mother had made together when she was 10. It was ugly and messy, but it made her smile. It made her think of her mother.

Leah looked at the tree and saw that there were many beautifully wrapped presents underneath it.

"Yeah, i kind of went overboard with presents this year." Mr Kingsleigh said, as if he read Leah's thoughts.

"Thank you!" Leah hugged him tightly.


Christmas was over and Leah was getting ready to go back to school. She'd had the best time with her father, but she was excited to see her friends again.

"You ready?" Mr Kingsleigh said, putting her bags into the car.

"Yep, thanks" Leah climbed into the car and got ready for the long journey ahead of them.

They drove and drove for what seemed like days. Eventually Leah fell asleep. She dreamt about her mother.

In her dream, Leah was telling her mum all about her new school and her friends. Her mother was always lovely and friendly and she was no different in Leah's dream.

Suddenly the dream changed. Things became darker. Leah looked around, he and her mother were suddenly in the woods, covered in blood.

'Mum?" Leah cried out.

'You shouldn't have trusted him!" Her mother said desperately, cupping Leah's face as tears poured down both their faces.

'Who?' Leah asked her mother. 'Who should I trust!?' She shouted frantically as she realised her mother was fading away into nothing.

'Mum!?' She screamed. 'Mum! Please... please don't leave me again!' Leah cried out, leaning over her mothers body.

'Just don't trust him. Promise me you won't trust him.' Her voice barely a whisper.

Then she was gone. Leah was alone in the woods covered in blood.


She woke suddenly "huh!?"

"Leah, are you alright? Were you having a nightmare?" Mr Kingsleigh said worriedly to his daughter.

"Err... yeah. Just about... about mum." Leah didn't tell him any details of the dream, she still didn't really understand it herself.


Leah hugged her father goodbye and watched him drive into the distance. She collected her bags and made her way to her dorm.

"Emily? Amber?" Leah called as she opened her door.

"Leah!" The girls squealed and hugged her. "Did you have a good Christmas?"

"Definitely!" She smiled. "Did you?"

The girls told each other all about what they did over the holidays and what presents they got, until there was a nick on the door.

"Come in!" All three girls yelled.

In walked Wes followed by Olly, Tommy and Chris.

They all hugged each other and talked about their holidays. They sat on the floor in a small circle.

"Missed you." Olly whispered to Leah.

"Yeah? I missed you too" she kissed him sweetly.

After a moment, Amber decided it was fine to get the drinks out. The all started pouring themselves shot after shot until they were incredibly tipsy.

"What the hell is that!?" Leah said when Olly pulled out a strange looking drink she'd never seen before.

"Try it!" He laughed.

"No! Not unless you tell me what it is!" She laughed.

"Drink it! You'll like it I promise!" He said playfully.

"But-" she protested.

"Do you trust me" He said holding out the bottle to her.

Leah was suddenly reminded of her dream. Her mother crying 'don't trust him'.

It was just a dream.

It meant nothing.

"...yes" Leah said reluctantly after a moment. She took the drink from him and drank it. He was right, it tasted good.

Maybe she could trust him.

But then again it was just a drink. Maybe she should just be a little wary about who she could trust; after all, only time would tell.

Who can you trust.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora