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The 7 of them sat on the floor of the boys dorm and began drinking.

It started with Chris pouring all of them a shot of Ambers vodka and forcing them all to do it. They did. And it tasted vile, but they kept drinking nonetheless.

"Why not a game of truth or dare?" Wes suggested once they were all nice and tipsy.

"Ugh" Tommy scoffed, rolling his eyes playfully at his friends.

"Ooh yeah. I'm in." Chris said enthusiastically.

"Can find out all sorts about a person with a simple game of truth or dare." Oliver said with a smirk.

"Well I'm up for it." Leah said feeling a little more confident with the alcohol in her system.

Everyone cheered and they began the game.

"Leah. Truth or dare?" Chris shouted across to her.

"Er... truth." Leah thought she'd start with truth and work her way up to a dare.

"How many people have you slept with?" Chris had obviously thought about this question.

"Chris!" Emily said shocked at her friends bluntness.

"What!? We're getting to know each other." Chris defended.

Everyone turned to Leah expectingly.

She looked at Oliver, his dark eyes hypnotising her. "2..." Leah said and smiled.

"Ooo" Chris and Wes said in unison, making everyone laugh and causing Leah to blush a little.

The game went on a bit and they continued to drink.

"Anyone up for a smoke?" Tommy pulled out a pack of cigarettes and offered them around.

"Nah" Emily and Amber answered.

"Later, mate." Wes said.

Chris was too distracted with the vodka to answer.

"Yeah go on then." Oliver stood up and went to the window.

"...sure I will." Leah said, surprising everyone.

Tommy, Oliver and Leah stood by the window and lit their cigarettes.

"So... you smoke?" Tom raised his eyebrows at the innocent looking girl.

"Yes... I mean, no. Only when I'm drinking." Leah was a little flustered.

"It's always the most innocent looking ones that end up being the baddest" Oliver's voice was gravely and deep.

He put out his cigarette and sat back down, winking at Leah as he left.

"Don't mind him." Tommy said. It was the first time he'd spoken to her directly.

"Oh it doesn't bother me. He seems nice." Leah smiled.

"Be careful.. with Olly" Tommy added.

"What do you mean?" Leah looked at him confused.

"Just... don't let him fuck you about. He'll make you think he cares and then he'll be off fucking the next guy or girl he sees." Tommy said.

"I know. The girls already told me." She smiled.

"Oh... good." He put out his own cigarette and joined the group on the floor.

Leah finished smoking and followed Tommy back to the group only to be shouted at by a very drunk Chris. "You three interrupted the game!" He joked.

"Fine, sorry" Tommy yelled his hands up in defence.

"Shall we continue then?" Leah asked pouring herself another drink.

"Yes!" Everyone shouted drunkenly.

Chris was dared to kiss Emily.

Amber had to tell everyone about her worst sexual experience.

Tommy had to do 5 shots of vodka in a row.

Wes and Amber had to swap clothes.

And Oliver had to tell everyone about how he lost his virginity, which apparently no one knew about before hand.

"Leah! Truth or dare!" Wes shouted.

Everyone began tapping their hands on the floor in a drumroll.

"Dare!!" Leah shouted back.

They all stopped drumming and cheered.

"I dare you to kiss every single person in this room!" Chris shouted, laughing hysterically.

Everyone whooped and whistled as Leah rolled her eyes and reluctantly turned towards Wes.

She kissed him quickly and he kissed her back. It was sloppy considering they were both rather drunk. She pulled away and turned to Emily.

Emily gave her a quick kiss, it was sweet and friendly.

Ambers kiss was a little more aggressive but still, just two friends kissing.

Chris' kiss was short and sweet: and it was surprisingly good.

She then turned to Tommy. His hands cupped her cheeks. He kissed her passionately. Tommy's kiss was better than the others. Not too drunk and sloppy, not to rough. Not to short.

They pulled away and Leah giggled.

She finally turned to Oliver. His fists were clenched and so was his jaw. He was glaring at Tommy.
Oliver turned to her and placed his hands on her hips, pulling her closer to him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and they kissed passionately.

It wasn't how she thought it would be. She thought he would be rough and quick, full of lust. But it wasn't, his kiss was soft and gentle.

They pulled away from each other and he smirked.

Leah sat back in her place in the circle.

Everyone was silent.

"Well fair play to you Leah. That was quality." Chris laughed sounding impressed that she actually did it.

The games slowed down and they all began getting messier. They could barely sit themselves up right.
They continued to drink until it was early hours of the morning.

"Right it's 2 in the morning. Let's get going." Emily said pulling the other two girls up off the floor.

"No ladies! Stay here with us." Chris pleaded.

"Haha you wish." Amber laughed.

"See you tomorrow boys!" Leah said as the three girls staggered out the door arm in arm.

"Sshhh!" Emily giggles.

They struggled up the steps and back to their dorm.

"I can't believe I've already made such good friends on my first night here." Leah slurred.

"I know! I won't lie to you, I thought I was gonna hate our new roommate." Amber flopped down on her bed.

The other girls did the same, climbing into their own beds and relaxing.

"Goodnight!" Emily yawned.

"Night!" Leah whispered back before curling up and falling asleep.

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