chapter 7

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Trigger warning!!!!

Manipulation, depression and abuse.


I herby exile Tommyinnit from my country.

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Third person pov

"I can't believe Tubbo did that to me, I thought he was my best friend..." Tommy muttered hope leaving him, sadness creeping into his heart meanwhile, Dream stood smirking over the defeated soldier as Ghostbur stood at the side, clearly uncomfortable. Tommy looked up at Dream with a sigh, "How long am I going to be in this hellhole Dream?" The smirk on his face disappeared as if it had never been there, replaced by a sad expression "Probably forever, Tubbo seemed pretty mad." "W-What!? Forever! Tubbo wouldn't do that to me... would he?" The bee loving boy would never do that(?), but emotions overwhelming him, made that seem like the furthest from the truth. Tears filled Tommy's eyes before he furiously wiped them away "I don't need T-Tubbo... I don't need any of them!" Dream smirked at his statement, He's losing hope, one of the only things that stupid child has... "Your so right Tommy, you don't need any of them."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Put your stuff down the hole Tommy, you know the drill." Tommy sighed, he had been in Logstedshire for almost a month now and no on had visited him, well except for Dream. He was his friend... right?

"Come on Big D we're pals right? Let me keep my stuff this week, we can hang out all week if you do!" Dream's face hardened as he grabbed Tommy's arm tightly, digging his nails into his skinny arm "I said give me your stuff." Tommy yelped in pain, his arm stinging. He missed his friends, he wished he didn't say what he did at the start of his exile. Tommy wasn't sure about anything anymore, who his friends where, who his enemies where or even his family. Ghostbur was never there to help him in exile, after he built Logstedshire he just left him. His own brother just sat there and did nothing while he was going through his own worst nightmare. Not that he could really think about it that much with Dream always -w-a-t-c-h-i-n-g- hanging out with him and -t-o-r-t-u-r-i-n-g- having fun with him.

"Okay! Okay, Big Man there have it!" Tommy yelped out, panicked but it's fine, they're friends, Dream's just messing around. BANG! The hiss and bang of TNT went of as Tommy scrambled for cover, only getting flicked by dirt, making his ripped and torn clothes look even worst. Dream came over to the whimpering boy and lifted up his face roughly by the chin to face him, "See Tommy, it wasn't that hard. All you had to do was obey me. Now be a good child and don't make any trouble whilst I'm gone." And with that Dream stood up and walked over to the Nether Portal, leaving the crying boy and destruction in his wake.

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Tommy had lost count of how long he had been in this nightmare for. No one had visited him except for Dream, if that was even counted as visiting, more like torture. His mental health was at an all time low, the loneliness and the silence put slowly making him go insane. Ghostbur never visited anymore and the deafening silence echoed in his ears like a constant reminder that he was all alone. He dropped his loud 'annoying' facade and was now just trying to keep himself alive. If it was even worth it...The skinny 16 year old was curled on the unmade bed in Tnret, surrounded by a nest of thin blankets that did nothing to help the frost surrounding the boy's heart and soul. His ghostly brother finishing off their new 'home' Logstedshire, "Aha finally finished! Tommy's going to love this." Ghostbur smiled humming a small tune to himself. Tommy had been pretty down lately and this was sure to make him feel loads better!

"Tommy!!! It's ready! Come look at what I built for us." Ghostbur shouted joyfully from outside the tent, startling Tommy. "AaH! Ghostbur, what are you doing here, can't you see I'm busy" Tommy said in a monotone voice. "Nope! No time for whatever you're doing now, I've got to show you something, here have some blue." the transparent brother handed the grey stone to the younger boy and soon turned to a dark midnight blue, "Oh wow, it's never turned that fast before, are you alright Tommy?" Tommy shook his head slowly, sighed and said "I'm fine Ghostbur, what did you want to show me again?" Ghostbur giggled nervously at Tommy's tone of voice worrying him slightly, but his surprise was definitely going to cheer him up. "I finished my surprise Tommy, come on and have a look." Ghostbur beckoned to Tommy and put his hands around his eyes. "Um Ghostbur? You do know I can see through you, right?" "O-oh right, then close your eyes." Tommy sighed and closed his eyes reluctantly.

The day passed quickly after that, the hope that Ghostbur and Logstedshire gave him sparked a small smile on his face, the feeling almost unfamiliar to him after all his time crying. Not that he cried at all though... The two brothers spent all day laughing and messing around together near the beach and making Tommy his Hot Girlfriend and just generally having an amazing time. Tommy even had time to make a sneaky base underneath his house so Dream couldn't steal them again! See he can have 1000 IQ moments as well.

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"What is this Tommy?" Dream said in a steely voice, he had come visit today and he had dug another hole for Tommy to put his stuff in to blow to smithereens, but instead found Tommy's secret stash of belonging: his iron, gold, a couple of diamonds, armour and most importantly, his photos of Tubbo, his best friend(?). "H-hey Big Man, what you got there... hehe..." Dream slowly approached him slowly, like a predator stalking his prey. "What. Is . This. Tommy." his nightmare growled in a low threatening tone. Tommy stammered grasping at straws, "I-it's just... u-ummm s-storage! Yes, storage space... totally..." Dream grabbed his torn shirt and shouted, "You think I'm stupid Tommy! You lied to me, I thought we were friends Tommy." Tommy flinched at his harsh tone and faltered under his piercing gaze. "I-I'm sorry Dream I-I know we're f-friends, I just wanted to k-keep some s-stuff you know?" Dream threw the starving boy to the ground and TNT appeared in his black-gloved hand. "W-wait Dream-"

Hisssss. BOOM

"NOOOOO-" Dust covered Tommy as he dove to gather his photos of his most precious memories. "I-It's all gone...all of it..." As tears dripped down his dirty face, Tommy scrambled towards Dream, clutching the photos to his bony chest. Dream brought out more TNT and leisurely walked over to Tnret. "See Tommy, this is only happening because of you. It's all your fault..." Tommy weakly grabbed his arm trying to stop this nightmare, "P-please Dream no! I-I promise I won't hide anything from you ever again- J-just... PLEASE!"


Tommy sat on the ground in despair, the only stable thing in his exile... gone. Everything from Tnret to the burnt pictures of Tubbo was destroyed. Dream stood over him and smiled before crouching in front of the broken boy with a more serious than psychopathic face. "You are to be punish Tommy. Travelling to the Nether, killed on site. Visiting others, killed on site. Taking others pity tools, killed on site. You break any of these rules I will hunt you to the ends of the Earth. Got it?" Dream spoke in a low but clear voice, leaving no room for argument. Tommy just nodded, numb from the trauma he had witnessed once again. "Good boy Tommy. I'll be back in a week." And with that he left.

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Countless hours had pass in the ghost town that was once the boy's home. Tommy had sat unmoving in the rain, slowly turning paler as the the clouds turned even darker, the night setting in. A pale flicker of light from the torches slowly died out leaving what measly warmth they projected alone on the frosty night. Yet through all of that, Tommy still stood there in the quiet, alone with his own mind.

I knew they'd leave you, I told you so.

They all hate you.

You're just a stupid annoying child.

Tears slowly made their way down his lightly freckled face blending in with the rain pouring from the clouded sky. The gray clouds blocked all light from the stars and moon that desperately fought to make their way through the depressing barrier and grant an inkling of hope for the exiled boy. But it was to late by now, he was lost to the trauma, the never ending voices screaming at him to die. And so he did...

He was finally free....

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