chapter 3

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Trigger warning!!!!!

Mentions of su1c1de and death


Tommy's pov (before just before Ghostbur found him)

My sadness feels like a wave. A big scary wave crashing over me continuously in a depressing pattern, my own emotions drowning me from the inside out. I had been sitting against the tree for a while now trying to calm down and when I heard someone yelling my name with urgency. I stood up quickly trying to hide how weak I felt and appeared. Suddenly, through the damaged oak trees, a transparent person appeared in front of me with a concerned look on his face. The person was wearing a sunny yellow jumper and black jeans with faint smoke coming off of his transparent skin and brown hair covered with a beanie. "Who are you?" I hate how weak and scared I sound in front of this familiar stranger. He slowly approached me and said that his name was Ghostbur and that he was my brother, one of the only things I remember after I woke up in the night. Then before I knew it, he had enveloped me into a tight hug, I panicked at first but a familiar, warm feeling made me relax into his safe embrace finally feeling somewhat safe for the first time in a while. He suddenly pulled away a bit and said "Wait how are we touching? I'm a ghost I normally go right through people unless they're a....." his eyes widened and a bad feeling crept over me and he said "Oh Tommy, you're a ghost. You died."


"What? I-I'm dead, I'm a ghost?!" I gasped, shocked, my own eyes widening. This new information made me feel so lost and yet made so many things make sense, well except for one thing. "How did I die though?" Ghostbur pulled me closer again and comforted me more and spoke "I don't know Toms, maybe if you show me where you woke up there will be some clues" I nodded at his plan, I don't really know why I trust him so much but Aliveinnit must have trusted him so I will to. I walked to the pillar on shaky legs with the help of Ghostbur and looked up "I just remember falling and then it stopped, and I woke up here, looking straight at the stars." Ghostbur looked around a bit and then spoke.

Ghostbur's pov

I looked around the area for a weapon or something that could have been used to enact Tommys death. Oh god he really did die. He was only 16 and had such a bright and exciting future ahead of him before Dream. I shook my head and said "There are no weapons that I can see, which is what I found when I died. I was stabbed you know." Tommy just looked at me with a concerned face. "Never mind." I said quickly, Tommy didn't even now how he died so I don't think that he is ready to know what happened with Phil and L'manburg yet. "Do you remember anything about this place, anything at all?" Tommy looked around and his eyes glazed over a bit and stumbled back towards me.

Tommy's pov

I looked around this place before memories hit me like a brick.

I hereby exile Tommyinnit.

Please escort Tommyinnit out of my country.

Come on Tommy.

Hand over all your stuff Tommy!

We're friends, right Tommy?

I'm your only friend left Tommy, no one else cares

You lied to me Tommy!!!!!!

Everyone hates you Tommy

If I do this then everyone will be happy...

I'm free.....

I slumped back into Ghostburs arms from the sheer force and emotions those memories brought me. "What did you remember?" he said fairly calmly, probably because he had gone through this all before me. "I-um, I heard voices telling me things, one man more than the other. I think I was somewhere else before I was put here, I-I was exiled....why Ghostbur what did I do?" Ghostbur looked at me sadly "I'll tell you later, this is a lot to take in and knowing everything at once will just overwhelm you more." Tommy nodded sitting on the dewy grass with his brother and gathered the strength to start speaking again "There was one reoccurring voice though... he was evil, the things he said...." and my voice broke thinking about what the mystery man did to him, "All I remember about him is a smile that appeared whenever something bad happened" just mentioning him had me shivering, what did he do to me? I looked up at Ghostbur and saw a flash of recognition, sadness and guilt. "What is it Ghostbur?" He sighed, eyes downcast. Even though I only remembered him a short while ago Ghostbur had shown me only love and comfort since I woke up, helping me try to remember my life from when I was alive. "That man that mans name is Dream, one of the most powerful men on the server. He was once as good as anyone, but then he changed, consumed by power and the need to control others. But you didn't let him and he did .......horrible things."

Third person pov

Tommy hugged his older brother tight wanting to have that feeling of safety again that was taken away from him just at the mention of his worst nightmare. He then spoke softly "I think I know how I died......." Ghostbur looked down at him patiently waiting for an explanation but all Tommy did was look up at the pillar that stood over them casting a great shadow, tears filling his eyes. Ghostbur followed his gaze and gasped covering his mouth in shock, holding his brother tighter than ever now knowing what happened and never wanting to let go. "It's going to be okay Tommy, I've got you."

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