chapter 5

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Trigger warnings!!!!

Small mentions of death


Tommy's pov

I felt mentally and physically drained my feet dragging slightly, wings drooped and gripping Wil's smoky hand still trying to process what has happened, I'm a ghost and I can't remember pretty much anything except my family, a demonic voice/person/smile, and how I died. From all of that and what Wilbur has told me, I don't think I lived the best life and had the best state of mind... Right now Wil was leading me to a place where he said we would be safe, but he looked nervous like he knew something I didn't. "Are you okay Wil? You look kinda nervous." Wil looked at me and smiled trying to comfort my own nerves in a way. "Y-yeah I'm doing ok... it's just that... these people have a lot to do with our past and the memories will probably be less than pleasant." he grimaced then looked back at me and gave me a smile, "Don't worry though Toms I'll be right beside you the entire time, and if things go south we'll go somewhere else. You are my number one priority." That small sentence made my heart warm and my wings flutter as I smiled slightly, now trusting my ghostly brother even more.

We continued through the snow, hovering slightly above it so we didn't burn. My nerves started to rise once again when we saw a conjoined spruce building in the distance. The snow started to come down lightly, melting slightly around the smoking chimney. A white blanket stretched as far as I could see covering tall spruce trees and rocky mountains that surrounded the array of builds in front of us. I was enchanted my the silent beauty this place holds.

Wilbur's pov

I tried to hide how nervous I felt from Toms, even though we where all family there was a lot of bad blood between them with L'manburg, the past governments and my death. I know that Tommy was really upset with Dadza when he killed me and Techno when he executed Tubbo and vice versa. Phil never really paid attention to Tommy and I when we where younger as far as I can remember, always prioritising Techno with sparring lessons leaving me to raise Tommy more than him. Eventually I grew old enough so that we could move away safely, not that they noticed really, obsessed with their adventures and monsters more than their own family sometimes. That's where it's more difficult to remember once the L'manburg wars began, I vaguely remember bits and pieces and stuff from the library sewer but not enough so that the hurt in others eyes would fade when they thought I wasn't looking.

We arrived at the door and I breathed out slowly trying (and failing) to calm my nerves, praying silently that my brother would be okay. We had no other choice now, the light snow now quickly transforming into a blizzard that can be deadly to ghosts as I almost found out a while ago. Knock knock. Tommy hid behind me slightly shaking, but not from the storm. The spruce door opening at an agonisingly slow pace, a deep monotone voice sounding behind it...

"Wil? What are you doing it's fre-


Forgotten Memories | Tommyinnit angst ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ