I definitely won the argument

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Giovanni was dealing with political matters. From what I gathered in the news, the day he didn't come and see me, he was in Portugal. His cousin, Prince Pedro V, was signing a deal with Giovanni regarding a land treaty, or something like that. I wasn't really paying attention. I was too busy checking out Giovanni's butt in that well fitted royal suit. Damn!

But, he hadn't sent me anything.

There was no message.

No grumpy Salvatore appearing at my hotel.

No phone call.

It was completely silent from his side but, I had to be understanding.

To tell the truth, I couldn't help but feel offended.

I was embarrassed.

I was hurt but, more than that, I was sad.

I missed him.

We had only met five days ago, and yet I felt so connected to him.

I think I relied on him.

Once I was packed up, I checked my phone once more to make sure I hadn't missed a call to let me know he was coming to see me, or even a reason why he couldn't just give me a heads up, even a hello. I groaned, falling back onto the bed with a huff, "Why is he being like this," I shouted, pounding my hands on the bed and kicking me legs around. I turned around, burying my face into the sheets, "He's being such a brat," I screamed into the mattress.

When I got to the concierge, I turned in the key and began signing out when one of the receptionists came up to me holding a manila envelope enclosed as "confidential". I frowned looking at her and then at the envelope, "Is that for me?" She nodded her head.

"The envelope had been placed in the safe and one of our employees had forgotten they were safely stored, we apologize," she quickly gave it to me, "It arrived yesterday morning, again, our mistake for having forgotten them." I took the daunting looking manila envelope. It looked like a nothing envelope, other than the stamp of "confidential" on the top of it. It's probably from my mom. She can be dramatic like that. I accepted the envelope and shoved it inside my bag, trying to finish up the signing out so that I wouldn't miss my train to Florence. I was running behind this morning all thanks to my morning argument I had in the shower. I went over all the things I would want to say to Gio. It was great. I definitely won the argument.

Once I was done in the lobby, I hailed a cab and told him to gun it to the train station. Unfortunately for me, I don't think I'd have Giovanni pulling the strings for me this time. No train was going to be halted for me. I needed to get on that train, if it's the last thing I did. As we neared the train station, the envelope I had received in the lobby popped in my head again. Before I could pull it out, to open, the taxi arrived at the train station. I got out as quickly as possible and lugged my luggages behind me and to the station. When I finally bored my train car and found my assigned seat, I had made it with five minutes to spare. I tossed both luggages in their respective locations before I sat in my seat. The train began to announce it was taking off, much to my pleasure. We were leaving on time, and I would get to Florence at a perfect hour for lunch and my scheduled check-in.

The sound of my phone ringing, pulled me out of my daydream. I was watching the train begin to move from the station, trying to focus on my surroundings so I wouldn't get motion sickness. I went searching for my phone, reminded by the envelope I needed to open. I placed that on the table so I wouldn't forget before diving back in my bag for my phone. When I finally picked it up, the number was not a number I recognized. It didn't even look complete. It was labeled as restricted, but below it was the number 1. I was about to answer when my phone died on me. "For fuck sake," I groaned, looking for my phone charger. I must have placed it inside my other bag across the way. Do I need to have my phone charged? I mean, I know the address of the place I'm staying at in Florence and I have cash with me. I should be just fine. I put my phone back into my bag and picked up the envelope. I tore it open and dumped out the contents, only to find an envelope fall onto my table.

Not just any envelope.

Envelope from Gio.

"Gino," I whispered, grabbing it as if it was going to disappear, "He wrote to me." That beautiful embossed artwork on the envelope brought back memories of the first letter he wrote me. The letter that had mended our misunderstanding. I gently opened the envelope, not wanting to rip it. I was collecting these for myself, memories of my beautiful times with the King of Italy that I can look back on. The letter unfolded on it's own as I read over his beautiful penmanship.

I'll come for you the day you are leaving Milan. Please, wait for me.

Your Gino.

"Oh my fucking god," I screamed, jolting up from my seat, startling everyone. I jumped over one seat and pressed my hands and cheek against the glass window to see if we had left the station. Maybe I can fling my body off the train and not die.

Is he worth that?

Yes, hell fucking yes.

The only problem was that we were far from the station now. It's just my fucking luck that I got on a bullet train this time. I jumped for my bag, causing everyone to flinch, already terrified of me. I pulled my phone out of my bag and then crawled over the table between me and the seats across from me that were vacant. I pulled the charger out of that bag and then looked around my station for an outlet. I placed the adapter in and then plugged in my charger, but nothing. It wasn't fucking charging. Dude! What the hell! I yanked it out before looking around and waving down a train employee. He came to me with a smile.

"Are you okay, miss?"

"Yes, well no, um, the outlet isn't working. Do you have another place to charge," I asked, panic now flooding me.

"Oh, yes, unfortunately the outlets aren't working right now, but we do have a spot where all the passengers are charging their phones. I will have to take it for you for the safety of everyone's phones and bring it back to each passenger at the end of the train ride."

"Really? I am needing to make an important phone call-"

"Oh, you wouldn't be able to make a phone call right now. We have no connection on the train today," he gave me a smile, but I couldn't help but get a wave of condescension from him.

"Fine," I mumbled, passing him my phone and charger. I sunk into my chair, only now noticing the amount of people staring at me like I was a crazy person. Oh yeah, I did act a little psycho earlier when I read Gio's letter. Probably not the wisest thing to do inside a small train cabin. If they knew exactly who that letter was from, then they would understand. I picked up the letter and smiled as I ran my finger over the last two words, Your Gino. My Gino. Did he write like that on purpose? I'm going to pretend he meant to write it this way, and enjoy the butterfly feelings I'm experiencing currently. He told me he's mine.

The wait was excruciating. I could only imagine what Gio thought of me when he arrived at my hotel and I was gone. It wasn't my fault. I never got the damn letter, thanks to the incompotent receptionists at the hotel. I would have totally waited for him. Now he's just going to tease me about my inability to read or follow directions.

I mean, technically, I don't have to listen to him.

He's not my King.

I could always come back with that.

He'd probably not like that at all.

Oh whatever, it's his fault.

Not mine.

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