chapter 13

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harry had it all planned out. he bought sunflowers, after he found out from niall that louis liked them. he threw them all around the open field. he lit candles and prayed to the moon and stars that it wasn't windy tonight.

he texted niall and told him he was ready. he was so excited to ask louis to be his boyfriend. he didn't want it to be some super lame 'be my boyfriend' type of shit. he wanted it to be special, something his angel would remember forever. and if they don't work out and he goes on a first date and that man asks louis to be his boyfriend, harry hopes that louis will think back to this night and remember every detail.

he sees headlights coming up the hill. he breathes deep and gets ready.

he's looking down trying to think of what to say when he hears a car door shut and louis' magical voice.

"niall! did you bring me here to kill me?" louis yells to niall, who is still in his car.

niall starts to back up and drive away. louis is dumbfounded. he just got forced into nialls car and brought to this field and then abandoned by the same leprechaun who dragged him here.

"you lost?" he hears a familiar voice yell from not too far behind him.

he turns around and he sees harry, he's surrounded by candles.

"harry? oh my god! what is this?" louis asks as he walks up to harry

"um i don't know it was just here when i got here" harry said sarcastically with a smile.

louis laughs as he feels butterflies. louis looks at harry and he seems serious.

"what's up? why are you here? actually why am i here?" louis asked

harry cleared his throat and began to speak.

"you're here because i wanted to ask you something. now i don't want you to interrupt me because i have this whole speech planned and you tend to interrupt a lot, okay?" 

louis nodded and he playfully zipped his mouth and threw away the key.

harry laughed and began to speak.

"so this is an open field, as you can see. um i had niall bring you here because i feel like if i had asked you this somewhere else then we would get interrupted and i would get frustrated so i thought, why not do it somewhere where the only thing that could interrupt us is the wind?"

harry started to get nervous as he remembered what he was going to say.

"louis, you are the most beautiful person i have ever met. i know this sounds like a proposal, but it's not, well i mean sort of, but not that kind. anyways, i wanted to ask you if you wanted to be my boyfriend? harry asked shyly.

louis hadn't said anything for a good minute, harry looked up and saw louis had tears and he was smiling.

"can i talk now?" louis asked

harry nodded.

"yes! of course i'll be your boyfriend! wow you sap" louis joked

harry grinned so wide as he hugged louis. louis jumped and wrapped his legs around harrys waist. they pulled away from the hug and harry kissed louis deeply.

they pulled apart after about 5 minutes with the biggest smiles on their faces. they felt so much adoration for each other at that moment.

louis got down and hugged harry again.

"wow i'm your boyfriend" louis said in awe

harry nodded "yea you are"

"that means i can boss you around and tell you what to do" louis said cheekily

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