Chapter Nineteen

En başından başla

"Yes, I loved him. I still love him. We started having coffee again; nothing more."

"Get to the point Mum," I sigh in frustration. "What does this have to do with the company?"

"Sorry... We stayed just friends for years. You were six years old when things changed between us. Not long after Melody was born. Your father and I, we lost a baby. I miscarried."

"And?" I know I sound harsh, cold even, but I can't allow myself to feel compassion for her. There are rules, and she broke them. No matter the reasons or excuses, that's inexcusable.

She blanches but continues with her story.

"Your father was in the city when it happened, and I was at the house in Surrey. I called Thomas. It was Thomas I went to for comfort; not your father. We slept in each other's arms that night; he held me as I cried myself to sleep."

"I kissed him again the next day but this time he didn't stop me, and I didn't stop myself."

Anyone watching us wouldn't be able to tell how distressed she is, but I know, I can see it. It cuts me to see her like this.

I want this conversation to end.

"What are you trying to tell me? What does this have to do with why dad won't give Ayden the company?"

I stop for breath as it hits me as clear as day.

"He's not Ayden's father."

"No, he's not."

She shakes her head sharply.

"And dad knows?" I ask even though I don't need to ask, I already know. It's all fitting into place.

"Your father found out that we were having an affair." Her expression seems frozen into a frown as she keeps telling me what must be her deepest secret. "He found out two years ago. He demanded that I tell him everything. When he learnt how long it had been going on for, he demanded a DNA test. So, he stole a hair from your brother and had the medical division of P and P compare it to his own."

"It didn't match," I say. It's not a question. I know the answer.

"He isn't Ayden's father," she whispers it as if she could continue the lie a little longer if she said it quietly.

"That's why he won't let Ayden have the company," I say with a shake of my head.

"He loves your brother very much, but it's not enough," she sighs again. "He loves his company more."

"I don't believe that," I say with a grimace. "It just doesn't make sense. Dad's always been supportive of Ayden."

"Yes but now your Father is dying," Mother replies.

"He hasn't actually told me what's wrong with him."

"He has an inoperable brain tumour," she tells me as calmly as she can. "Your father always promised to love your brother as his own but now..."

"Where is the brain tumour located? What parts of his brain is it affecting?"

I sound detached, but I can't allow myself to show the turmoil that's brewing underneath the surface.

"The frontal lobe," she tells me, "and it's not small..."

"And it's symptomatic?"

"Yes – he's more aggressive... it affects his memory..."

I don't know how to respond; my hands run through my hair as I try to take it in.

"So, he's doing this because of the tumour?"

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