At that moment, Kratos shouts. - That's enough !!!

Everyone looked at Kratos. He cries, holding Artemis in his arms:

Hades! That is enough !! I'm tired of your ego! You always think about yourself! I also have feelings! I'm tired of hearing you forgiving Mikush! I am upset that you always compromise him. I do not forgive him! I hate him! All this is his fault! If there wasn't him, everyone would be alive. Otherwise, we would be happy! There would not be so many deaths! He is the cause of all evil and all misfortunes. He is the world's catastrophe. He is the devil! He is the antichrist! I loath him! I will not let him live!

Mikush dropped his sword and approached them. Opening his hands to the side:

"Come at me with all your might"! All these stupid emotions, words do not matter! Friendship, love, life, purpose - all this is nonsense! I'm tired of this life! I'm tired of playing! I'm sick of being alive! I do not want to be tortured every day while living! All these deaths in my hands are depressing me! It is enough to show the sadness inside me with a smile! So get rid of this nonsense and come at me! Finish this game!

Hades and Kratos stand up and quickly attack Mikush. 

This is the last chance. For the first time in his life, Mikush is emotional. For the first time in his life, Mikush does not do any tricks. He stands in front of them with complete sincerity.

Hades strikes him with Persephone's sword from the right side, Kratos strikes him from the left with an ax. Two incredibly powerful blows aim at the same target at the same time.

Mikush remembers. He remembers his childhood, the games he played with them at school. How he always enjoyed all of them. Now, this is his last game. 

Zeus died the same way. Was he also as refreshed and relaxed as at the time of his death as he feels now? Is this the last he is looking for? Death is coming to him. In the end, he can find peace. In the end, he can taste his freedom. He can get rid of pain and can relax now. 

A white light appears in the darkness. Now he can reach this light. And here is the end of the light ...

 And here is the end of the light

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Suddenly powerful gunshots heard ...

Hades and Kratos fall to the ground. Hera appears from behind, holding a gun in her hand. Mikush looks at her in amazement. Kratos died immediately. Hades is breathing really hard.

Hera throws the machine gun aside and approaches Mikush. Hera is constantly talking, she is completely anxious. She asks Mikush what happened. Mikush looks at her but does not hear what she is saying. There is a ringing sound in his ear. It's as if all time is frozen for him.

Mikush looks at her calmly, smiles, and hugs Hera.

(Music starts)

Hera is very happy. In the end, Mikush feels close to her. There is only one person left in his life, and that is her. Maybe she can look to the future with hope. Even Mikush needs someone. They can be happy together ...

At the same time, there is a feeling of pain in the stomach. A hot liquid flows to her feet. Hera understands what is happening.

Tears begin to flow from Hera's eyes. She cries because she thought wrongly, what she has done to others so far, and because she can't help Mikush. She understands how Mikush feels. Sad, dejected, tragic. Mikush will be completely alone in this world. Lonely ... Without anybody...

Hera slowly slips from Mikush's arms and falls to the ground. Mikush stands with a bloody knife in his hand.

Hades says looking at him one last time:

"In the end, you did it. In the end, you won by destroying everyone ... I hope you will not regret it...

Mikush: My friend, I am Mikush. I never regret ...

Hades smiles with pity and closes his eyes forever.

There is completely dead silence. Mikush stands quietly in the middle of the church.

The alarm sound goes off from his watch. Mikush looks at the watch. The bomb has one minute left. 

He looks around quietly.

This is his victory. He won by controlling all figures. This was his last masterpiece...

However, now he is completely alone. There is no one to play with him anymore. He wanted them to hate him or kill him, but instead, he received a response of love and caresses. He wanted to play with them forever. But it's all over now. He has no friends, no family, no one. Just his own game and rules ...

Mikush starts laughing madly.

Laughs .. laughs insanely .. Cries .. cries helplessly like a small child ...

He is crying for the first time in his life...




What will he do now? What does it mean to continue? Is it worth living after no one here ???




What does it mean to exist in a world where no one can compete with him anymore?




Everything is meaningless, everything is boring.




Absolutely lonely ...





"How dear life is to all creatures" 

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"How dear life is to all creatures" 



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