20. Photos

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I smile as I change back into my clothes. I got into a rhythm of showering late so I can avoid other women.
The first time I tried to go to the showers in the day I felt judged so I just don't go at that time anymore.
I make my way down the halls with a smile as I wave at Ben who's about to go wash his teeth. I make it back easily and throw my towel over the railing infront of my cell.
"Started to worry" Daryl says sitting on my bed.
"Sorry. I take a while in the shower, especially on hot days" I explain and he nods.
"Talking about showers, when was the last time you had one?" I ask as I throw my dirty clothes onto a pile.
"Ya saying I smell?" He asks and I smile at him.
"No..." I draw out making him glare at me in a playful way.
I take my dads coat off and put it on the desk before flipping onto the bed.
"Did ya have dinner?" He asks.
"Yeah, before my shower" I say rubbing my eyes.
He nods slightly and lays down next to me. I see his arm reach out for me before drawing itself back.
I smirk and move closer so I'm between his chest and arm.
He snorts at me before putting a hand on me and pushing my back closer.

"What are ya gonna do about this guy?" He asks watching the door.
"Nothing. If we do anything he'll go into hiding if he does exist. I'm probably just being paranoid" I explain.
"Still, Ya not gonna tell Rick?" He asks.
"Nah, I have no evidence and he's a cop... he basically lives on the stuff. Besides I'm probably just seeing things... either way I like having you here" I say closing my eyes and putting an arm over his waist.
"Fine but if anything weird happens you tell me, okay?" He asks and I nod.
"Thank you daryl" I whisper before going to sleep.

I wake up and turn to the sleeping boy next to me.
I yawn and he jumps before noticing it's me.
"Sorry I didn't realise taking a deep breath would wake you" I whisper as he smirks.
"I'm gonna grab breakfast before my body digests itself" I joke getting up and going for breakfast.

I managed to grab a bowl of eggs and bacon from Carol. I smile as I make it back up the stairs.
I turn to the door as I notice Daryl lost in thought. Shirtless.
He fiddles with a hole in the shirt maybe contemplating how it happened in the first place.
His back has lines running across along with a tattoo. The scars are clearly from a belt.
"I got eggs and bacon. I was gonna grab coffee too but I realised I didn't have enough hands" I joke as he jumps up and covers his chest with the shirt, his back to the wall.
"Eat up, your gonna need the energy for the kids brain numbing questions" I joke pushing the bowl forward.
He excepts it and puts his top back on. He looks at me with a curious look as I sit down and eat my food.
"I can sew that hole up for you if you want? Mom taught me after a ripped my last dress at a party" I explain and he nods.
"How much did ya see?" He asks quietly.
"All of it..." I whisper.
"And what? Your still my Daryl... what did you think I was gonna say?" I ask softly.
"That their ugly. I don't know, maybe ask questions?"
"I didn't think you'd be comfortable... and I didn't want to push you. If you want to tell me, you can. I'm here to listen. But if not then I'll keep my curiosity to myself" I explain staring at my bowl.

He stares at me and I glance up before recalling what he said.
"Wait! Did you say they were ugly?! I swear to god I will beat you into the curb if you say that again!" I threaten with a pout.
"Why? It's da truth" he grumbles putting bacon in his mouth.
"That must mean that mine are ugly" I whisper.
"Wait, what?!" He shouts.
"Every scar has a story. If you are gonna ignore that and say that yours is ugly instead of saying that you survived then that means mine are ugly" I explain putting my plate down and cross my arms over my legs.
"Remi that's not what I'm saying"
"Then what are you saying?" I question.
"God damn it Remi! Your overthinking it!" He shouts standing up I feel a pain well up inside of me at the thought of making him raise his voice.
"Overthinking it?" I repeat in a whisper before nodding.

I get up and move to the door as Daryl grabs my arm.
"Where are you going?" He asks softer.
"I'm gonna find somewhere where I can overthink by myself... sorry if I caused you any distress" I say monotone before pulling my arm away and walking off.

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